Consumer Behavior

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Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior


An individual displays his/her behavior when they purchase a good. It reflects their preference but this preference varies from person to person, as one good can be of high importance to one individual and can be of a low importance for other individual. To study all this consumer behavior, helps us to derive basically the core of what are the factors which influence a person to buy a product (Wardlow, 1996).


Consumer behavior is that behavior which the consumer displays in searching, purchasing, using evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect that their needs will be satisfied. However, consumer behavior has helped many of the marketers to formulate theories which helped them to understand the differentiation between individuals and also, the marketers are able to determine the factors which influence the different spending patterns.

Consumer Behavior: Origin and Strategic and Applications

Therefore, consumer behavior tends to explore how the examination and application of the consumer behavior is central to planning, development and how marketing strategies are implemented. Further, this behavior varies between the different consumers such as a personal consumer is an individual who buys goods and products for his/her own personal needs or the family as compared to an Organizational consumer who purchases goods for which are necessary for the organizational function.

The Consumer Research Process

To recognize the behavior of individual consumer, it is important to conduct a process which is known as the consumer research process which is descriptive in nature as it helps the marketers to predict positive consumer behavior. This process allows the marketer to know which factors provoke their decision regarding a product.

Market Segmentation

Segmentation of the market is an integral part of the consumer behavior process. Marketing segmentation is therefore a process of dividing the whole market into individual segments which help segment the consumers according to their preference and needs. These marketers use segmentation so that they are able to provide to the different segments of the market.

Motivation (consumer)

Motivation is said to be a state which activates an individual towards achieving a goal. Needs, desires and feeling are the main things which motivate a consumer to make purchases or achieve a goal which in consumer behavior is to purchase a good. However, needs are never fully satisfied. Needs are the reason a consumer is provoke to make a purchase or consume a product.

Personality and Behavior

Consumer personality can be defined as the inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her surrounding environment. Personality keeps on changing and also helps reflect the individual's differences. There has been countless of theories regarding personality and behavior as behavior is shaped by an individual's personality. For example according to the Freudian theory personality is derived from the unconscious needs or drives which motivates an individual.

Consumer Perception

A consumer's perception is influenced by the stimuli it sees. Stimuli are seen through exposure which can be through various things such as magazine, ...
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