Conflict, Decision Making, And Organizational Design

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Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design

Negotiation Strategies

Effective team development is one of the most effective negotiation strategies in the current communication trends. Assuming that a team is a group of people working together to achieve common goals; an effective team is one that has certain characteristics that let you work more productively and effectively. An effective team develops ways to share the various roles of leadership according to concerned to achieve. The teams conduct effective meetings to develop effective strategies troubleshooting to decide, plan and specific plans which are delegated responsibility for achieving objectives together. No work carried out in isolation, but all members will be aware and willing to support others to achieve their results if necessary. It is important consider that recognition is given for achieving results, whether the team as a whole and not by the action of a specific member (Bass, 2007).

How is it made?

To achieve integration of an effective working team proposes the following strategies:

A) Set goals together.

Set performance goals with the team and make sure that all who make up understand them and be aware of the actions and commitment will be required to do.

B) Development of a participatory leadership style.

Encourage the team to participate in suggesting ways in which the service can be improved. Listen to their ideas and recognize the value of the contributions. Encourage discussion of issues and look for solutions together (Bass, 2004).

C) Focus on the contributions.

Set goals so that all team members contribute actively to the meetings. East team members in different ways in which they can participate and the importance of it.

D) Organize meetings or meetings.

Hold regular meetings with the team and effective. Highlight the objectives that impact monitoring and the results of the area and invite participants to that submit comments or concerns about the issue.

E) To organize the team.

Define the roles and responsibilities together. If each team member has a role specific and understands what is expected of him there lower level of frustration of not being achieved and be more open to work with others to achieve results.

F) Explain the rules.

Discuss with the team all the rules and standards that apply to the regulation of activities and projects carried out in the institution. Explain the reasons there are these regulations and the importance of observing all the activities they plan do on the computer (Manfred, 2003).

G) Promote accountability in the team.

Encourage team members to take responsibility in fulfilling the assigned activities, and has awareness of the implications that a member not meet its objectives. You can think of to reward the team if all members met and achieved the expected result set.

H) Set time for compliance.

Set times to be achieved goals, both individual and team as a whole. Define, according to the project in question if they require braces outsiders so that the team can focus on results. Monitor times were established in the planning and ...
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