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Conflict, Decision Making and Organizational Design

Conflict, Decision Making and Organizational Design

Negotiations and Conflict Management

Etymologically the negotiation refers to the denial of leisure, as well as a dual relationship at win-win. The consequences of our life-long negotiations, the success in life depends on your success as a negotiator. Everything in life is negotiable in all circumstances and at all times and the purpose of negotiation is to improve the conditions of time, resources and scope of projects we are doing, any person in the field of business must know and have the tools to emerge triumphant with the emblem of not only selling but negotiate for Selling to Win.

Everyone has something to say about it, do not require any experience or specific study to dare to negotiate or say something about negotiations, negotiating imposing is the opposite of events, to use force, to resort to violence. It is traded on family life, in business transactions and employment relationships, financial centers, sports clubs, and major policy decisions. The fundamental rules of negotiation are learned in early socialization of the human being is to try to negotiate public and private affairs trying his best achievement. No single method of trading in all cases and circumstances. Learning to negotiate helps us to live with less conflict and more harmony with our neighbors, improving interpersonal relationships and makes it easier to achieve personal and professional goals in all areas of life (Oeztel & Toomey, 2006).

Negotiation is not valid to reach agreement on beliefs, ideologies or values. Having a series of tactics and a number of aspects of personality to negotiate ensures a 50% chance of success the other 50% said the methodology. Negotiation is not valid to reach agreement on Beliefs, Ideologies or values. The diversity of the nature of negotiations and negotiators have no limits.

Steps in Negotiation

The Phases of the negotiation process are highly variable and, as Mentioned Above will depend on the situation or resolve conflict, But a general guide to this process Should include:

To start the negotiation process should consider the following steps: 

Be prepared - Become familiar with the environment and background of the situation - To study in depth the issues and matters to be discussed in depth the issues - Anticipate the speaker's tactics - Provide historical argument - Develop Their positions - Develop their own arguments

Maximize the alternatives

A greater number of options and alternatives, the greater chance of achieving satisfactory solutions. - List the basic objectives - Consider all the possibilities to achieve - Take into account the key to achieving your desires - Think about the objectives of its partner - Anticipate the possibility of rival - Provide that he can also anticipate

Negotiate with the right person, this will help determine the limitations on the authority of who negotiates.

- Determine the limits of those decisions - Acting under the authority of the interlocutor - Determine who the other company has real ability to approve the decision - Calculate the time taken to reach agreements ...
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