Organizational Design And Behavior

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Organizational Design and Behavior

Organizational Design and Behavior

Organizational Design and Behavior


The paper attempts to present the concept of conflict management, decision making and organizational design in a holistic context. It focuses on the explanation of all these concepts in relation to the organizational behavior. The paper first addresses the prevalence of conflicts in workplace explaining the conflict levels in the organization and suggesting the process for negotiating resolutions. It then attempts to present the importance of evidence-based management in the work environment and highlights the role of individual as well as group decision making processes and the key factors that affect the decision making processes. The paper also mentions the environmental and strategic factors that affect the organizational design and incorporate the concept of organizational behavior in explaining the scenario.


Conflicts and Workplace

Workplace comprises of many people of different age, mindset, interests, personality, character and behavior who need to interact with each other in order to execute the assigned tasks. This interaction between people of different mindset and personalities results in disagreements, misunderstandings that at times lead to conflicts (Gramberg, 2006). Thus, the term workplace conflict and conflict management was formed, which are a common area of attention for the managerial levels of all organizations. In general, the issue of conflicts arises due to the existence of differences in needs, values, motivations, desires, values and interests of the parties. Frequent conflicts are experienced by people with colleagues, subordinates, reporting authorities and people from other departments (Collins & O'Rourke, 2008).

Nevertheless, the existence of conflicts amongst employees as well as with the reporting authorities is not always a negative sign as mostly considered. Conflicts not only strengthen relations, provided that they are successfully resolved, but also improve teamwork and confidence (Gramberg, 2006). Apart from that, the prevalence of conflict with the reporting authorities, which is mostly due to the implementations of changes, is a constructive presentation of behavior (Collins & O'Rourke, 2008). This is because an organization that has conflicts between employees and reporting authorities is the one that is more flexible and adaptive to changes due to the fact that frequent outburst and resolution of conflicts results in an innovative strategy implementation of a creative change being brought about. However, excessive conflicts only deteriorate the work environment of the organization making it difficult for others to work in (Gramberg, 2006).

Conflict Levels within Organization

The organization I work in also experiences workplace conflicts. The greatest issue here is the conflict with the group leader. It is necessary to verify the functioning of a group to make decisions that impact on their dynamics and their own performance (Gillette, & McCollom, 2008). One of the most important techniques of evaluation is the systematic observation, which requires a realization of what the leader wants to observe. In my case, the causes for the prevailing dysfunction are the lack of integrity between the group members and the group leader (Benson, 2001). The group leader needs to better understand the mental states of his group members in order ensure that the ...
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