Negotiations to resolve the conflict - form of conflict resolution. Their main difference from other forms is that the decision in this case is produced jointly by the negotiators, but not accepted for them by higher courts or the (arbitration) instances. Negotiation is the first step decision-making process. The main problem which is solved in the negotiations, is to gradually overcome the differences and convergence of participants on the choice of options and the specific terms of solving a particular problem.
The talks represent a broad aspect of communication, covering many fields of activity of the individual. As a method of conflict resolution negotiations are a set of tactics aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions to the conflicting parties. In order for the negotiations were possible, it is necessary that certain conditions are met.
It is believed that it is appropriate to negotiate only with those forces that have power in this situation and can affect the outcome of the event. There are several groups whose interests are affected by the conflict: the primary group - their personal interests are affected, they are involved in the conflict, but not always from these groups is the possibility of successful negotiations, the secondary group - their interests are affected, but these forces do not tend to open expression of their interest, their actions are hidden until a certain time (Anderson, 2009). There may be more or third forces are also interested in the conflict, but even more hidden. An example of the variety of forces in the external manifestation of a conflict is the Yugoslav crisis.
In implementing the strategy of partnerships in the negotiations, the central issue becomes the joint analysis and joint search for solutions. Even if the parties are negotiating in conflict, to avoid emphasizing differences in the initial stage (Bergen, 2011). It is advisable to start with an analysis of common interests and points, and through them to leave the determination of the total area of possible solutions.
One of productive negotiation tactics can be a gradual increase in the complexity of the issues. This strategy offers the easiest to first discuss the issues. Their decision has a positive psychological effect on the negotiating parties, demonstrates the possibility of reaching agreement (Jessup, 1998). Using this technique can be very productive. The decision easier questions first creates a favorable psychological atmosphere in the talks, shows that the problem is, in principle, be solved.
Admission to the adjacent set out actions aimed at finding common solutions area, ie by first come to a consensus on the content of the joint document. In other words, a zone of possible solutions, or general formula for solutions. Reaching agreement on fundamental issues, the parties work out the details of the agreement (Jones, 2006). This two-stage negotiation is significantly reduced. Of course, the joint analysis of the dispute does not involve sharing some compliments. Possible and necessary objections. However, their meaning is fundamentally different from the differences in bargaining...