The purpose of the report is to present the ways in which John and Abby can help each other and other members of the team stay on track and avoid a disaster. Following points will present the ways in which conflict can be resolved through the negotiation.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is important in a team environment because it keeps motivation, morale and teamwork positive. If your team is not motivated or proactive it may portray a negative image to your organization. Conflict within teams can cause stress as well as poor work ethics. When working within a team environment, it is important that all conflict is resolved in a positive manner. This will help ensure the team's credibility and confidence. When a team loses its credibility, confidence, and motivation, it will be a struggle to succeed. The team may recuperate, but the impact of the conflict may leave scars. A successful team leader must implement inspiring and motivating techniques for the team.
Conflicts within a team that are not resolved or not resolved correctly will continue to have a negative impact on the team. When the cause of the conflict has been determined, the team leader must evaluate the situation and resolve the issue in a timely manner. If the team does not have a team leader and are unable to resolve the matter within their group, they should seek mediation. This should not imply that the team is incompetent, but that the team is looking for the best resolution to the problem.
Methods to control conflict
Conflict is usually viewed as negative; however, conflict can be positive. "When people work in teams, their differences is terms of power, values and attitudes, and social factors all contribute to conflict" (C. Townsley, Conflict in Work Teams)
If conflict is not successfully resolved, it can disrupt the team process; however, if conflict is managed effectively, it can benefit the group.
Common sources of conflict are: Values of team members, attitudes of team members, goals/expectations, personalities, increased interaction, interdependency and limited resources.
The following are some common methods to controlling negative conflict: Direct approach, bargaining, and enforcement of team rules. Approaching the problem head-on is usually the best method to control conflict. Confrontation can be uncomfortable, but it is best to be objective and face issues as they are. The bargaining method uses one person as a mediator for the members who are involved in the conflict. The third party helps to find a solution or compromise. Enforcement of team rules is a method that should be used when one member is not working with the team. If this method has to be used, it may be best for that person to find another team. (C. Townsley, Conflict in Work Teams)
Since the dawn of time man has been forced to negotiate his surroundings to further his very existence. His ability to negotiate, effectively, the many obstacles confronting him had profound impact on the quality of ...