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Coca-Cola Company

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Coca Cola has been one of the most influentially, greatly competitive and the most popular brands in the market that have engaged in endless and constant marketing and promotion strategies to lock their brand in the minds of both current and potential customer clientele. The one reason Coca Cola has gained such influence is not only because of the attention grabbing promotional campaigns, and the implementation of the five (5) P's of marketing (i.e. product, price, place, promotion and packaging), but also it has been significantly responsible and effective due to its precise, cohesive, coherent and effective operations management blueprints that were applied onto the entire organization.

Coca-Cola Company



RABOSTIC stands for Research and Analysis, Audiences, Budget, Marketing Communications Objectives, Marketing Communications Strategy and Tactics, Implementation, and Control. It is the model which gives the detail analysis of any product or service of any organization. The companies use this RABOSTIC analysis, to evaluate their product, and to evaluate where they stand in the market. It is essential for all the organization to use RABOSTIC planning model, so that they know the position of their company and product in the market.

Company's Overview

The Coca Cola Company founded in 1886. Its headquarters is in Atlanta, Georgia with local operations in over 200 countries around the world. E. Neville Isdell is the Chairman and CEO (Pendergrast 2000, pp.101-123). This centralized company got made of a Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Operating Group Leadership and Corporate Functional Leadership.

When companies try to expand into the international arena, there are certain problems that can occur. According to Alexander, 2000 site acquisitions is the weightiest issue. The problems of site acquisitions, which are recruitment and staffing, language, different competitive conditions, different consumer's tastes, and different social conditions, can be larger than what a company can imagine (Bell 2004, pp. 12-27). The emphasis placed on social economic shows that companies are most concerned with what many describe as the underlying cultural environment. Findings like this suggest that locating suitable suppliers may prove problematic anywhere, as indeed may the acquisitions of useful marketing information, while problems associated with cultural differences will take on perhaps hitherto unrecognized significance (Bodden 2008, pp. 10-32).

It is important for a company to remember that a success in the home market does not mean success in the international market. Companies should remember that people and countries around the world might be/are very different compared to their own home country. It is common knowledge that Coke and Pepsi engaged in a battle for being the number one brand of cola drink. In order to make a comparison between the two drinks, it is very important to review the history of the two giant competitors. Coke invented in 1887, while Pepsi invented five years later (Eldred 2008, pp. 40-62). From its birth, Pepsi considered to be more "healthy" than its rival. Coke, on the other hand, considered to be a more “stronger” drink. Both the drinks spread immensely in all parts of the world today (Schildt ...
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