Coca Cola

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Coca Cola

Coca Cola

Coca Cola to Enter the Snack Business

Coca Cola products are consumed every second of every day? That is over a billion sodas a day! This is a long stretch from when the company was first founded in 1886 and only sold an average of nine drinks a day.

Coke in turn banked on P&G's product innovation and technological capabilities to develop new snack and beverages. Yes, over one hundred years ago it sold for 5 cents a glass and was poured from a jug. The Coke trademark is now as much American icon as apple pie and baseball.

Pepsi has several of the strongest brands and most respected products available in the market holding a strong second in the race of being world's largest beverage company; in the snack food sector, Frito-Lay Company is the world's largest manufacturer and distributor of snack chips. PepsiCo's success is the result of price strategies, customer service, superior quality and choices products, and high standards of performance, distinctive competitive strategies and the high integrity of their people

Coca Cola has had to restructure, revamp and renegotiate in order to gain international market share against Pepsi as well as other competitors.

Create Opportunities

The vast size of the country, the large population, one of the fastest and promising economies in the world, all are good reasons for coke to be here, in India. Already established markets and infrastructure and the current position all give the necessary launching pad for coke to look forward for a good and prosperous future.

As Pepsi starts its snack businesses with the co-ordination of Frito-Lay Company that is one of the well known company in snacks market similarly Coca cola start with Diamond Foods, a branded food company specializing in processing, marketing and distributing culinary nuts and snack products, has joined forces with Coca-Cola for an in-store summer snacking promotion.

Special "Snack Happy, Snack Healthy" displays featuring Emerald snack nuts and Coca-Cola products were set up in more than 4,000 grocery stores across the country throughout the summer.

"Since nuts pair naturally with soft drinks, Diamond Foods is pleased to partner for this promotion with Coca-Cola, the No. 1 soft drink brand in the U.S.," said Andrew Burke, senior vice president of marketing, Diamond Foods. "This program has opened doors for us with retailers to work with the Coca-Cola organization and leverage their strong brand recognition and distribution. When featured and displayed, Emerald products ...
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