Cargo Security

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Cargo Security

Cargo Security

Human Factor (A)

Responsibility of Stakeholders in Cargo Security

Person or group of person interested directly or indirectly in something known as Stake Holders. Cargo security contains a number of stake holders who have different kinds of responsibilities. For instance, international Police are one of the main stake holders in cargo security. They have certain responsibilities such as; make sure the security of all the cargo 24 hours. They are liable to check the explosives or weapons inside the cargo. Their duty is to find out the drugs inside the cargo or person carrying drugs by unlawful means. Their responsibility is very hard, and it cannot be done without the cooperation of the passengers or travelers. (Sweet, 2006)

Other stake holders are Air Line Carriers. Their duty is to ensure that all the cargo is safe and secure and reach their planned destination without any damage. For achieving these goals airline, carriers use various techniques such as; personnel are maintaining tight security in the airport, equipment to handle cargo in the airplanes, explosive detectors that can detect explosives automatically at the airport or in airplanes. Airline Carriers all over the world train their staff in order to make their staff aware with important skills for the purpose of cargo security. For e.g. how to become aware of suspicious cargo just in a glance. (McDougall, 2008)

Other stake holders are Owner of the cargo. They play a vital role in the security of the goods. They always keep on checking their goods in order to ensure that nothing would happen. In case of any dissatisfaction, they make aware the security personnel to take further action regarding checking. (McDougall, 2008)

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Transportation Security

The transportation system of the U.S nation designed for accessibility and efficiently. But there are certain vulnerable issues such as a terrorist attack related with them. The congress is facing the difficulty in order to build a protection system that effectively reduces the chance of the occurrence of the terrorist attack.

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