Cargo Security

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Cargo Security

Cargo Security

Part A

Mooring and cargo operations at sea because of the vulnerability of vessels from the effects of wave, wind and currents in the sea are particularly difficult to handle in practice and the inevitable falls into the category of the economic risk. Currently, loading and unloading operations are carried out in the sea, mainly by contact.

Used as cargo gear Ship cranes and jib winches, without the usual tracking device does not provide cargo safety and security of people, so in terms of increased anxiety (more than three points), cargo operations, as a rule, be terminated. To provide non-impact lowering the deck used deck cranes with tracking devices, swinging jib systems, flexible Elevated traps, shock-absorbing device and stabilize the winch that allow cargo operations contact method in the presence of emotion.

Certain design improvements, which attempts to introduce to the courts and ensure the supply is still being undertaken, aimed mainly at addressing the security transfer operations. At the same time some progress with the introduction of cargo on board devices that can monitor the fluctuations of the interacting courts and compensate for the dynamic loads that occur in devices with rolling elements, as well as automated control systems, cargo jib devices. However, these solutions did not reduce the risk of pile mooring of vessels.

Mooring of large vessels to each other on the high seas is very complex, and in some cases impossible. The enormous kinetic energy of the ship makes a dangerous time they touch, even at low relative velocity.

At a time when, due to waves and wind of the court may not engage in cargo operations moored to each other, use non-contact methods, in which the receiving and transmitting the cargo ships are on a safe distance from one another. In the last decade ...
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