Buying Behavior

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Buying Behavior and Market Research

Buying Behavior and Market Research

Quality of Service is the judgment or global attitude about the advancement and advantages of a service. In order to sustain in the globally competitive world, the companies belonging to service industry should achieve a standard service quality that goes beyond the expectation of the customer. The success or failure of a service-oriented organization depends on the service quality of that organization. Companies and Organizations that practically employ customer satisfaction measuring tools, do this is because of one specific reason that satisfied customers play an essential role in the success of an organization (Ishikawa, 2000, 70). Improved service quality is two-fold: increases profitability because the costs cut down and because customer satisfaction increases. Improved customer satisfaction in turn leads to improved customer retention rate which translates into gains in market share and, consequently, an increase in profitability (Iyer, 2009,, 8).

According to the research it is observed that customer satisfaction and quality of food and services have a very relationship with each other. In order to increase the customer satisfaction, organizations need to focus on providing best quality of services. If the customer will get efficient and effective quality of service, he or she will go satisfied from the restaurant irrespective of the high price or other factors. If the service is not good, then no matter even the food is good, the customer will not be satisfied. It is also observed, that the customers that are more satisfied with the services of the organization, it is easier to retain that customer and also recommends the services of the organization to his or her friends, family, peers, fellows, colleagues, etc (Webb, J. ,2005, p.114) (Iyer, 2009,, 8).

Customer satisfaction has become one of the most important areas in which organizations can differentiate themselves from their competitors. This differentiation is essential for service organizations, especially, because the profit margin on their many products is small. In addition, fierce global competition has forced service organizations to find ways to keep their existing customers and attract new ones (Boucek, 2008,, 9).

Customer Experiences

Customer experience is the combination of all the experiences that customer has with the marketer or the customer service officer of that particular good or service. The concept can also be applied to experience of an individual regarding single transaction. Thus, for influencing the minds and the winning the hearts of the customers in current competitive world, companies need to provide a unique customer experience as a core key. According to the survey, customers tend to value the experience related to the product or service more than they value the tangibles. In fact, the customer's experience plays a key role in the overall consumption and purchase of the product or service (Boucek, 2008,, 9). Customer experience comes from how customer's perceived quality of service received at the hotel and can be conceptualized as a measure of performance. So when we talk of experience, quality or performance, we refer to the same and only ...
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