I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible
I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.
Signed __________________ Date _________________
Table of Contents
Business process improvement
Improving business processes in the organization seeks to implement a methodology for strategic improvement of their key business processes, making them more effective, efficient and flexible, able to adapt to an environment of continual change. How? Making the deployment of processes consistent with the strategy defined, establishing metrics, defining controls, detecting weaknesses and implementing solutions that promote continuous improvement in achieving the objectives of the company.
Why is it important?
Ensure that business processes are consistent with the strategic direction of the company.
Really focus on processes relevant to business success.
Provide a cross section of the organization, complementary to the usual vertical view of the charts. Ensures that referred the expectations and requirements of customers.
Determine the most efficient and effective use of resources.
Improve service delivery.
Ensure that changes are accepted and implemented as intended.
Ensure the standardization of operations.
Provide greater impetus to the implementation of the necessary changes.
Facilitate early identification of risk in meeting objectives, through the systematic monitoring of process performance and understanding of the degree of contribution of each to achieve the objectives. (Teboul, 1991)
Transactional and Manufacturing Lean Six Sigma - Process Mapping
Many transactional processes are executed by only a few individuals, if not just one. Since most high level process maps start with steps that show changes in location or organization, the transactional map may have only 1-3 steps.
The next level of detail process maps, as a rule, certain steps in the learning process.
For detailed instructions, a typical process in a production environment. ISO 9000, efforts have led many organizations to create detailed documents processing sequence used in the execution of processes, audit processes and training of new employees. These are good resources for use in the cards.
Meanwhile, in the area of ??operations, detailed procedures are not so often. There may be a software manuals and documents clearly the overall process, but the detail is not what you might see in the production of documents. This is usually the result of the conviction that transactional work too many changes to document rigorous writing process. "Faith" is actually a limitation on the rise. This leads to the transactional processes that lead to some experts. These people know all the work arounds to get the job done efficiently.
Were you there? Most of us have seen this type of behavior at some point in our careers. We can accept for processing transactions, but to go down to ...