Business Concepts

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Business Concepts

Business Concepts


Business organizations or otherwise, provide the framework for action of any manager, they do not exist outside of these organizations. These organizations influenced by the overall environment also called macro that includes the type of economic system that can be free-enterprise, market or markets controlled central planning. Also, affect economic conditions as the cycles of expansion, recession and changes in the general standard of living. Another crucial variable is the type of political system (democracy, dictatorship or monarchy) and finally the condition of the ecosystem, demographic and societal system.

Businesses thrive in a commercial environment globally considered; the environment or economic system is generally one where markets are subject to private control based on supply and demand. This is a system called free market competition. In this system, companies operate most of the world, in this case are commercial contracts, the company moves earnings incentives and technological advances are essential elements of this system.


The economic system surrounding the company provides economic and political conditions particularly difficult as managing inflation, unemployment, tax rates and interest rates. Administrators move in this environment of unrestricted competition, they must know continuously assessed macroeconomic variables, diagnose problems and weigh their decisions.R & D

A product exists only if defined; a can opener, an insurance contract, for example, designed to its functions and how to insure them. The unit of R & D continuously explores possible developments of the product. Except in very large entities that can afford it, it will be downstream of basic research but it will be informed of the emergence of new technologies, new concepts, new materials, and new ways of doing things. The "sleep" all-out is an essential activity of the R & D function which must then be incorporated and constantly innovation in products of today and prepare for tomorrow's products.

Function R & D supports the development of prototypes and their development. It is upstream of the production function with which it works closely. Function R & D must also establish strong links with the strategic planning function - the future of the company - and with the marketing function that identifies and measures the market expectations (Hillstrom & Hillstrom, 2002 ).Marketing and Sales

The product, once designed to be or can be made (good) or it can be assumed as planned (service) before offered to consumers. These are teams or sales departments - internal or external to the company - which tasked with finding customers, that is to say those (niche) that, beyond a contingent interest, to accept purchase the good or service and pay. To support the work of sales teams, the company will develop a marketing action, that is to say a set of measures such as market research, and product testing, analysis of satisfaction, promotion and advertising. Besides the support function to the sale, one of the essential functions of a marketing department is to define as precisely as possible which (any profile) is likely to become a client, what will it take for it to be (price, quality, delivery ...) and that for the rest (knowledge of the evolution of ...
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