Business Code Of Ethics

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Business Code of Ethics

Business code of ethics

Wall mart is a company that has over the year strives and focused on a number of their business stratigies that have made them so popular. The discussion here is all about the business code of ethics and how it deals with it.

The company uses the primary tools for management of business ethics, has a mission and vision set, code of ethics, reporting, ethics committees and ethics consultants also provides ethics training to their employees, consults with groups interest and also carries out social audit. Wal-Mart has the main tools; however, due to acts carried out its directors, one can see that these are not established in the corporate culture. But something forced that recently have begun to use and probably take a long time it hits has to be part of future behavior and choices they make about ethical issues in business.

Wal-Mart has implemented important strategies for the company and has started to do social activities that have a positive impact to all stakeholders sustainable manner. Basically when creating these activities are generating a change in the social aspect of the company with a strategy of awareness of society itself and the environment. What can be determined with these actions is that they want to reduce the negative impact that is generated in communities through social and economic support. Thus, the already established image as a destroyer of society will be reduced after a time by the collaborative actions with the community. These strategies take an important step in its life cycle by giving you a chance to change his image to face it and take advantage of it over time.


For a better analysis of what was generally the management of ethics, will brief summaries of four units studied: the impact of Wal-Mart to their stakeholders, gray area, moral intensity and the theory of justice

Impact of Wal-Mart to its stakeholders:


Wal-Mart has been shown to have a big problem with regard to their employees. In its long history have a long list of demands departed workers. These range from problems with hours of extra work that have not been paid, dangerous work environment for employees, to claims not to consider gay couples the right to health insurance. Then the company with respect to employees is negative.


Wal-Mart has been criticized for leaving employment to all the stores that work around a new location. The community engages in litigation against the company to force this not work in the area. Then, they have a good relationship, in general, with the surrounding community to the local.


Wal-Mart created a major controversy among customers. Some are in favor of the company, benefiting consumers with lower prices and variety. However, there have been demands from customers who claim to have received harassment, done by the employees, who were ethnic profiling.


The Company, having a strong buying power and influence, has been criticized for buying to be competitive suppliers in poor countries where, working ...
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