Big Data

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Big Data

Big Data


The term big data refers simply to the management and analysis of large amounts of data. According to the report of McKinsey Institute big data is a new frontier for innovation, competition and productivity. The term 'big data' refers to data sets whose size is beyond the capabilities of typical databases (DB) named by, storage, management and analysis of information, and the world's data repository is definitely growing. As presented in mid of 2011, the report analyst firm IDC `Digital Universe study`, which sponsored the training company EMC, predicted that the total global volume of data created and replicated in 2011 could be around 1.8 zetta byte ( 1.8 trillion. gigabytes) about 9 times more than what was established in 2006. However 'big data' involve more than just the analysis of huge amounts of information. The problem is not that the organization creates huge amounts of data, but the fact that most of them are presented in a format that poorly match the traditional format of a structured database - web-logs, videos, text documents, or machine code, for example, geospatial data . All of this is stored in a variety of different stores, or even outside the organization. As a result, corporations are able to have access to the huge volume of the data and do not have the necessary tools to establish the relationship between these data and make them the basis for meaningful conclusions. Add to this the fact that the data is updated more often, and you have a situation in which traditional methods of analysis of information cannot keep up with the huge volume of constantly updated data, which ultimately paves the way big data technologies. In fact the concept of big data involves working with a huge amount of information and a variety of very frequently updated and located in different sources in order to increase efficiency, create new products and improve competitiveness. Consulting firm Forrester gives a brief statement: 'Big Data combine techniques and technologies that extract meaning from the data at the extreme limit of practicality (Ohlhorst, 2013).

Big data is the new paradigm of doing business, not a set of open source technologies for storing media content. This new context, formed under the influence of large amounts of digital data with which to interact businesses to make business decisions today. Big data - it is a challenge and an opportunity. This concept is a set of new approaches for timely business decisions based on all available information available in any amount and formats, from external and internal sources. Moreover, the concept of big data reflects a proactive approach to business based on predictive analysis. It has nothing to do with the approach to the storage of large amounts of data on any storage (O'Reilly Radar Team, 2012).


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