Creativity Portfolio

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Creativity Portfolio

Table of Contents

The Case Analysis1

Article Summaries2

The Next Step in Open Innovation2

Leadership and innovation4

Despite stereotypes of entrepreneurs as fresh-faced youngsters, new research has found that older workers are more likely to innovate than their under-35 counterparts.6

The Future of Innovation: Can America Keep Pace?8

Where Innovation Creates Value9

Are you ready for the era of 'big data'?11

Career Outlines13

Steve Jobs13

Bill Gates14

Henry Ford15

Mark Zuckerberg16

Sergey Brin & Larry Page17

Creative Review of Steve Jobs18

Four Mantras of Steve Jobs' Leadership18

Do what you love18

Turn on your brain19

Selling dreams, not products19

Say no to 1,000 things19


The Creativity Portfolio

The Case Analysis

The world of management is changing and is bringing a big change in the business world. This has improved the quality of business and there is a huge shift in the paradigms in which business is taking place. The way of doing business has changed which has made the business environment more competitive. Companies are looking for ways through which they can improve their business. Businesses today are becoming more and more competitive and ensure that the people in the company are working a way that will help the business succeed.

The company that has changed the world is Apple. The company is one of the most innovative companies in the world. The company is led by Steve Jobs who is known for his creativity and innovation. The products that the company has launched cannot be launched be by some other company. Other companies are not creative enough, and not innovative enough to manufacture such products. It takes a lot of effort to produce such innovative products that will help the company succeed in the industry (Burns, 2008, pp. 25).

Apple sells more computer systems to business organizations than any other company in the world. To adapt market change, Apple extents product categories to consumer electronics for better growth opportunities. New manufactory plants and sales offices are continually introduced to regions in order to save time and cost. The exact relationship model provides the powerful differentiator for the company to deliver satisfaction to customers of all sizes and types. Apple has focused most of the resources to support large commercial and formal organizations segment to sustain its growth by delivering superior services over competitors. The company has become one of the few companies in the industry who has quickly conquered the market. Even though, the company is not lead by Steve Jobs, it is still growing.

Article Summaries

This section will discuss six contemporary articles on innovation.

The Next Step in Open Innovation

This article was published in McKinsey Quarterly in June 2008. The article talks about innovation in business. It tells us how businesses are looking for different ways for innovation in business. It tells us how businessmen are looking to innovate in different fields of business. This helps us in ensuring that there are people who want innovation in business to succeed. Technology is one of the most innovative ways of bringing change in the company. New trends in trade have been the foundation of a growing range of business opportunities, new practices such as ...
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