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Big Data: Opportunities for the Retail & Manufacturing

Big Data: Opportunities for the Retail & Manufacturing


This research proposal is based on Big Data: Opportunities for the Retail & Manufacturing. The term Big Data came about 5 years ago in connection with the management of data due to the need of the internet providers to analyze information in extremely large amounts. For such researches, companies need an economical and highly scalable architecture for analyzing certain files. While companies experience massive growth of information sources, vendors have developed solutions specifically designed for handling Big Data, which provide customers with world-class approach to their management. The term 'big data' refers simply to the management and analysis of large amounts of data. However 'big data' involve more than just the analysis of huge amounts of information. The problem is not that the organization creates huge amounts of data, but the fact that most of them are presented in a format that poorly match the traditional format of a structured database which includes web-logs, videos, text documents, or machine code (Bredenberg, 2013).

Qualitative methodology will be incorporated in the study in order to analyze the research objectives. This method will be used to analyze the past studies on the research topic that identifies the relationship between employee Big Data and opportunities for the Retail & Manufacturing. Data will be collected through different cyber sources including various libraries. These online libraries include EBSCO, Phoenix, Routledge, JSTOR etc. Data collected through the secondary sources is worthwhile and enables the researcher to provide deep insights into the study (Patton, 2002). These sources would allow me to carry out a research study on the topic Big Data: Opportunities for the Retail & Manufacturing in an appropriate manner.

Objectives and Scope of the Research

My research in EFPM would focus on role of Big Data in Retail & Manufacturing industries. Worldwide, businesses generate large volumes of data across their operations, supply chain & at various customer touch points. At the same time, the current digital customer and social media experience is feeding a massive data explosion. The analysis of this high volume of Big Data presents a sizeable opportunity for businesses. Leveraging advanced technologies to understand this data, they can maximize the potential of these disruptive trends and win in the competitive marketplace.

Specific Problem of Interest

I would focus my study on value Big Data adds to Core & Adjacent processes of manufacturing industry:

R&D and Product Design

PLC: Product Lifecycle Management

Supply Chain Management


Marketing and sales

After-sales service

Furthermore, I would focus my study on value Big Data adds to various operations of Retail industry:




Supply Chain

New Business Models

Through my research, I would try to find answers to several questions, challenges & risks Big Data takes along for Retail & Manufacturing industries. I would also focus on what are key challenges IT companies would face in providing services various sectors. Part of my study would also focus on what strategy IT companies (or business units) should adopt to deliver Big Data services to their ...
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