Aviation Safety And Problem

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Aviation Safety and Problem

Aviation Safety and Problem


Travel by air takes place within a highly centralized and organized environment. The set of rules and regulations in the industry is highly organized. The process of operating an aircraft is difficult than driving a car. There are numerous basic requirements for the flight that must be fulfilled. The accidents in the aviation industry take place because of different reasons.

The aviation industry is surrounded by a number of problems. The need to solve these problems has increased lately because of an increase in the number of aircraft accidents. In the year 2000, approximately 2000 aircrafts accident took place in the United States.

In the current environment, the aviation industry is confronting a number of challenges. A lot of these challenges are related to human factor in maintenance. There have been several advancements to the study and implementation of programs that involve human involvement. However, these programs still contain inconsistencies.

Aircraft maintenance involves highly complex tasks that are performed on technologically advanced systems. The complexity of the system and processes has made it difficult to comply with all safety standards. In the late 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s, several events have taken place around the world. Those events had a significant impact on the aviation industry. The events involved crashes and serious aircraft accidents.


According to a number of studies conducted to identify the causes of aircraft accidents, human factor is the most important problem. The Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) featured pilot training in the late 1970s. The purpose of the training was to reduce the chances of pilot error. The purpose of the training was to focus on a number of factors that can influence aviation safety.

In the aviation industry, human factor contributes towards 75% of accidents. There are many causal factors that result in fatal accidents. The most common causes of accidents include different “types” of human error. Human error involves out of place human behavior that negatively influence the levels of system effectiveness or safety. Human error may or may not, result in accidents (Wickens, Gordan, Liu, 1998). During the last few years, human factor has played an important in aviation accidents. A number of aviation organizations are training personnel to help them deal with aviation safety issues. Aviation psychology is the field that involves the study of the development and operation of safety aviation. The application of psychology to aviation helps in identifying a number of factors that result in aviation accidents (Pereira Lima, 2000).

A number of safety personnel at aviation organizations are unaware of the psychological issues associated with aviation safety. There are a number of personnel at the aviation industry who do not even know that human errors exist in the aviation industry. There are diverse perspectives regarding the role of human error in aviation safety.

Wiegmann and Shappel (1997) used cognitive models to analyze human factor errors in the aviation. It has been found through different studies that judgmental factors play an important role in the ...
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