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Feedback of Article Darren Stastny

The article of Darren Stastny highlights the facts about the role of Homeland Security earlier before the September 11, 2001 attacks. Although, there were many other organizations functional at that time, but there was a need of more structured and realigned in these agencies and provide the direct command and control the streamlined information. It also required removal of certain bureaucratic restrictions which existed before 9/11 (Dale, Austen, 2010). The National Congress after the terrorist attacks considered congress acts as broken up to several committees. The congress did not consider preserving the national security and denied addressing on crucial issues. After these attacks and considering the aftermaths of attacks, the Homeland security formed which was responsible for various functions. These include emergency preparedness and response, biological, radiological, nuclear and chemical countermeasures, border security, infrastructure protection, information analysis. While the September 11 attacks and the war against terrorism has had significant implications for security and borders in the U.S. Homeland Security established was a main concern of Americans (Damico, Quay, 2010).

The purpose of this article and these events has revealed an accelerated process of securing started since the end of bipolarity. This process included a commitment to strengthen border controls, use of high technology in surveillance and control, targeting foreigners from developing countries considered unsafe and a classification of certain states in the group concept involving moral and emotional reactions to describe the enemy in the international arena. Thus, until the attacks of Sept. 11, the fundamental concept has enabled us to grasp the concept of security was that of national security corresponding to the realist conception of security in the sense of making Morgenthau employs her defense of power and interests of the country. The Government Accounting Office provided advanced methods ...
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