Articles Bibliography

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Articles Bibliography

APA Format

Aynajian, P., (2010), Electron-Phonon Interaction in Conventional and Unconventional Superconductors, Springer, Pp. 55-100

Bull, J., (2001), Evolutionary Biology: Technology for the 21st Century, The New York Times

DeConde, A., (2003), Gun Violence in America: The Struggle for Control, Northeastern University Press, Pp. 409

Dirk Johnson, Sharman Stein, (1999), The Fight Against Gun Violence, New York Times Upfront

Douglas A., (1990), Nature, racism, and late Victorian science, Canadian Journal of History, Pp. 226-300

Gwyneth, D., (2010), Iron in the mix, Science News, Pp.18-21

Haldar, P., and Abett, P., (2011), Superconductivity's First Century, IEEE Spectrum Magazine

Jackson, A., (2001), Poverty and racism, Perception: a Canadian Council on Social Development

Jackson, R., (2004), A trail of tears: the American Indian in the Civil War, Heritage Books

Joanne, D., (2007), Court Strikes Law Banning Workplace Gun Policies, HRMagazine, Pp. 19

Larson, E., (2006), Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory, Random House Publishing Group

Linder, D., (2007), State v. John Scopes ("The Monkey Trial"), Social Science Research Network, Pp. 3-5

Murray, Frieda, (2008), Andrew Jackson: A Biography, Booklist, Pp. 80-85

Parker, C., (2005), Gender at work in Victorian culture: literature, art and masculinity, Scolar Press

Steven, S., (1990), The power of desire and the danger of pleasure: Victorian sexuality reconsidered, Journal of Social History

MLA Format

Aynajian, P., Electron-Phonon Interaction in Conventional and Unconventional Superconductors, Springer, (2010), Pp. 55-100

Bull, J., Evolutionary Biology: Technology for the 21st Century, The New York Times, (2001)

DeConde, A., Gun Violence in America: The Struggle for Control, Northeastern University Press, (2003), Pp. 409

Dirk Johnson, Sharman Stein, The Fight Against Gun Violence, New York Times Upfront, (1999), Pp. 3-5

Douglas A., Nature, racism, and late Victorian science, Canadian Journal of History, (1990), Pp. 226-300

Gwyneth, D., Iron in the mix, Science News, (2010), Pp.18-21

Haldar, P., and Abett, P., Superconductivity's First Century, IEEE Spectrum Magazine, (2011), Pp. 10-12

Jackson, A., Poverty and racism, Perception: a Canadian Council on Social Development , (2001), Pp. 3-6

Jackson, R., A trail of tears: the American Indian in the Civil War, Heritage Books, (2004)

Joanne, D., Court Strikes Law Banning Workplace Gun Policies, HRMagazine, (2007), Pp. 19

Larson, E., Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory, Random House Publishing Group, (2006), Pp. 20

Linder, D., State v. John Scopes ("The Monkey Trial"), Social Science Research Network, (2007), Pp. 3-5

Murray, Frieda, (2008), Andrew Jackson: A Biography, Booklist, Pp. 80-85

Parker, C., Gender at work in Victorian culture: literature, art and masculinity, Scolar Press, (2005), Pp. 12

Steven, S., The power of desire and the danger of pleasure: Victorian sexuality reconsidered, Journal of Social History, (1990), Pp. 16-30

Supporting Document

Electron-Phonon Interaction in Conventional and Unconventional Superconductors

This book describes the scientific implementation and development of a new method that puts the old problems into an entirely new light.

Evolutionary Biology: Technology for the 21st Century

* Chemical compounds and drugs for medical use

* Pathogens tracking methods, i.e., infectious diseases

* Biochemical for industrial use and other medicine

* Information revealing relationship between the organisms.

Gun Violence in America: The Struggle for Control

This book contains the history of gun control in the United States of America.

The Fight against Gun Violence

It talks about the gun ...
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