Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Kenneth, P. “A practical approach to Boundaries in Psychotherapy”, Journal of Making Decisions

The article relates to psychotherapy. It discusses the enrichment of psychotherapy through Nonsexual boundary crossings.

Another article suggests that Nonsexual boundary crossings serve as the treatment plan, makes the working relationship amongst therapist and client stronger.

Thomas G. & Gabbard,G.(2010), “The Concept of Boundaries in Clinical Practice”, Theoretical and Risk-Management Dimensions.

In the above article, the author explores the resulting factors of violating boundaries in the austere practices. The article explores the earliest literature and critically identifies areas that require clarification about the differences between the harmful and non-harmful issues.

Debra, B. & Kenneth, P. (2010), “Dual Relationships between Therapist & Client” A National Study of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Social Workers.

The above article is about the dual relationship between Therapist and Client. It includes the analysis about a survey of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers.

Weiner, B. & Magnussen, J. (1988), “An attributional analysis of reactions to stigmas”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

The authors in this study explore the guidelines related to dual professional. Moreover, the article discusses the social and financial involvements. This article identifies 10 factors that the authors examined during the study, for relation to belief and behaviors.

Thomas, G. et. al., (2010), “Misuses and Misunderstandings of Boundary Theory”, in Clinical and Regulatory Settings

The article, “Misuses and Misunderstanding of Boundary Theory in Clinical and Regulatory settings, explores the non-compliance of the boundary theory in authoritative settings, as well as, clinical settings. The author, in the article, explores the boundary crossing differences that result in psychotherapy and boundary violations.

“Articles on Boundaries”

“How the Field Began To Focus on Distinguishing Boundary Crossings (Helpful or Neutral) from Boundary Violations (Harmful) in the Early 1990s”

Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D., ABPP, mention in the article that how the field began to focus on distinguishing boundary crossings. It relates to the understanding of boundaries in psychotherapy.

Schumm, W., et. al.

The article discusses the 1980's and 1990, s era during which various issues that relate to nonsexual boundaries and others such as dual relationships, bartering and, non-sexual touch.

“Dual Relationships & Boundary Dilemmas; Trends, Stats, Guides, and Resources”

Ken Pope, in this article, discusses the 1980's and 1990's era and, highlights the emergence of a successful issue, about boundaries in psychotherapy and counseling.

“A Study Calling for Changes in the APA Ethics Code regarding Dual Relationships, Multiple Relationships, & Boundary Decisions”

Kenneth S. Pope & Valerie Vetter starts this article with a brief discussion about the outcomes of a survey related to the ethical dilemmas that the people were facing. Kenneth and Vetter, published the results of this study in American Psychologist and the results indicated that most of the ethical dilemmas reported in the areas of dual and, obscure relationships.

Kenneth S. & Valerie A. (1992),"Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Members of the American Psychological Association: A National Survey" (American Psychologist, vol. 47, #3)

In this article, the author discusses the confrontation involved ...
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