Apple continues to grow faster than industry in all categories. New manufactory plants and sales offices are continually introduced to regions in order to save time and cost. The exact relationship model provides the powerful differentiator for the company to deliver satisfaction to customers of all sizes and types. Apple has focused most of the resources to support large commercial and formal organizations segment to sustain its growth by delivering superior services over competitors. In fact, Apple sells more computer systems to business organizations than any other company in the world. To adapt market change, Apple extents product categories to consumer electronics for better growth opportunities (Anderson, 1999).
Apple change process
Apple allows the corporate restructuring and leadership through access to additional distribution channels and outlets in the global market. Recognize and apply the processes of direct investment, advances in research and development for innovation, creating a good level of responsibility for the organization and through effective adaptation to climate change, providing Apple audits Code of Conduct suppliers. Is Apple Inc. and easily change successfully?, Influence theories have assumed that the organization is relatively malleable, able to adapt when circumstances change, is adamant in organizations where change is difficult and dangerous, distinguishing between adaptive changes or bad for Apple and distinguish the conditions that facilitate / impede change (Barney 2006). Apple switching process can be harmful and adaptation and inertia based Apple can increase the likelihood of organizational change.
Fig. 1 Apple change process diagram
Impact of legal factors and innovation strategy of Apple
If there is a change in the legal environment of Apple, i.e. if Apple could not win these lawsuits, then Apple will have to change its production techniques and continue its focus on innovation and introduce new technologies. Apple has been creating a substantive ...