Anorexia Nervosa

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Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa

What is your topic?

“Anorexia nervosa“

Why did you pick this topic? The reason I chose this topic is because I have a friend who is very skinning and eats less always gets sick and feels not comfortable. After I ask her to eat more, she tells me that she has anorexia nervosa. This makes me want to understand and interested in this topic.

What is Anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa - a serious mental and physical illness, a characteristic feature of which is a significant loss of body weight (generally 30 percent or more by weight of the body that correspond to the age and growth of the individual).

What causes anorexia nervosa?

The causes of anorexia are divided into biological (genetic predisposition), psychological (influence of family and internal conflicts), as well as social (environmental influence: expectations, role models, particularly diet).Anorexia is considered a female disease, which manifests itself in adolescence (Agras, 2008). 

What are the symptoms of anorexia nervosa?

Lacks the necessary 30% of body weight, and age-appropriate growth

The desire to lose weight, while normal weight or even below normal

A pronounced fear of weight gains and complete, while the weight is below normal

Obsession, obsessive thoughts about food and counting calories

The extreme selective attitude to food restriction and its quantity

Refusal to eat / apologies or excuses for disappearing food / convinces others that he had already eaten.

The desire to avoid public events and other situations that involve eating

Feeling of extreme discomfort from the fact that the food eaten

The ritual relationship to food: food hiding from myself, slowly chewing food, the use of small plates, cutting food into tiny pieces, chewing food without swallowing

Excessive, exhausting physical activity/exercise, feel guilt or dissatisfaction with him, if he cannot fulfill them.

The growing sense of depression and irritability, in other cases - a feeling of emptiness and indifference

In the troubled times in his life feels distracted and nesobrannost, it's hard to concentrate and make a decision.

Constant mood swings and sleep problems with difficulty falling asleep, sleeping too much), high fatigue, and depression

Fainting and dizziness

The desire for solitude, isolation from others, secrecy

Increasingly isolated from society and the loss of friends

Professes strict, stereotypical beliefs, is not capable of flexible thinking (the man himself may not realize this, and, but immediately surrounding such notice).

Loss of ability to spontaneous behavior - not only in connection with food, but also in relationships with others at all in any activity.

Wearing baggy clothes, masking weight loss

The constant feeling of cold, poor circulation

The growth of thin fluffy hair all over his body

Decreased libido

Unwillingness to acknowledge the problem

Perceived ineffectiveness of their own actions and loss of control over vital functions, which leads to further strengthen control over food and weight.

What are differences and similarities between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa?

One of its key features is that the person has episodes of binge eating binge , followed by a deep sense of guilt and a sense of anguish and loss of mental control by eating "excess". Usually alternate with episodes of fasting or eating very little food, but soon ...
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