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Android Application For Slam Book

Android Application For Slam Book


The application develops the customized application which enables the user to add multiple friends' details (like Name, Nick Name, Phone Number, Photo, Birthday etc.,) to Slam Book. User is having the option to make a Call or SMS to his friend from the Application. User is having the option to delete the friend's list entries also.

Application navigation or Screen flow:

Below listed is list of modules in Android Application with detailed functionality.

Home Screen

Add Friend Screen

Friend List Screen

About Screen

3.1) Home Screen

This screen would displays the thee modules of this application. This are Add friend, Friend list, About me. Every module displays with one button. If we click on that button its displays the another screen.

3.2) Add Friend Screen:

This screen will appears when we click on the Add Friend button ,which is available in home Screen.The “ Add Friend Screen” contains the some EditText ,and image for reciveing the data from user's friend. If we click on Submit button then this data stored in database.

In this we are retrieving the image in two ways,

Select from gallery

Select from camera

3.4) Friend List Screen:

This Screen will appears when we click on the Friend List button, which is available in home screen. This screen will helps to shows the all friends list with image and name using one listView.

5) Local data storage:

Use shared preferences for storing Online news details . Application no need internet to run. In this database option we are using create, and update, and delete the friends info..

6) Application Screen shot:

Screen 1:

Screen 2

Path got caught red-handed uploading users' address books to its servers and had to apologize. But the relatively obscure journaling app is not alone. In fact, Path was crucified for a practice that has become an unspoken industry standard. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, Foodspotting, Yelp, and Gowalla are among a smattering of iOS applications that have been sending the actual names, email addresses and/or phone numbers from your device's internal address book to their servers, VentureBeat has learned. Several do so without first asking permission, and Instagram and Foursquare only added permissions prompts after the Path flare-up.

Some of these companies deny storing the personal data, as Path was doing, but the transmission alone makes the private data susceptible to would-be intercepters. Perhaps most concerning, however, is that these app makers could mask the real names, phone numbers, and email addresses during the transmission process, protecting your privacy in the process, but choose not to. VentureBeat, employing a traffic-monitoring utility called mitmproxy to observe the data flowing between apps and the internet, discovered that many iOS applications upload personally-identifiable information to their servers.

Last week, Path iPhone app users were surprised (and quite disgruntled) to learn that the innards of their address books contacts' email addresses and phone numbers had been uploaded to and stored on Path's servers. After a public outcry, Path immediately amended its practice to request user permission, and deleted its records.

But the larger issue of how iOS application makers ...
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