E-Service Application

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E-Service Application

Executive Summary

Viber is a free application for iPhone that allows free calls between phones via Apple WiFi connection but also 3G. This software is characterized by its ease of installation and use since no account creation is required. The audio quality is good or better than the traditional network calls.

The popularity of this application is growing worldwide with a customer base of more than 12 million. It first got launched on the iPhone platform and is now available on Android. Its launch on the Android platform increased its popularity beyond expectations. There are now plans to introduce it on the Blackberry platform.

Table of Contents

Executive Summaryii


Data Collection5

User Reviews5

Positive comments6

Negative comments7

Comparison with Skype7

Other Apps like Viber9

Easy Installation and usage9

VoIP System10




E-Service Application


Viber is a program for iOS which allows apple users to talk for free to other Viber users worldwide through VoIP. Recently Viber lived to see an update that added support for SMS. In this way, it provides a viable alternative to GSM services. Everything is done via 3G network or WiFi, and the sound quality is sensationaly better than GSM. If we compare Viber with Skype, from user review we can identify that Viber is a much better application because it consume less battery power as compare to Skype and provides a better service quality. Even if the application is disabled, messages and calls can still be received. It works smoothly and is very similar to the standard application and the phone address book in iOS, but that's all in purple. According to developers, Viber will soon be available on Android and other products with iOS (iPad and Touch).

The current version of Viber available in the market is an updated version and incorporates new features that help localization in several languages. It is one of the most popular and was among the first to get integrated with the address book automatically by detecting who has Viber installed. It also lets users to chat with contacts through a system similar to WhatsApp.


Due to its user friendly attributes, Viber is one of the most widespread applications to talk via data connection, either 3G or Wi-Fi. Its main advantages have become a benchmark for similar applications that have been provided for the iOS and Android platforms and integrated with the address book. This means that those who have Viber installed appear in user phone address book application with just the phone number. Recent updated versions of Viber includes posts in groups; a feature already included in many other applications of this style. Wallpapers definable conversation, ability to add pictures to your contacts list, improvements in the quality of calls, date and time of each text message, ability to see the users who have been online lately, are some new features incorporated in the application. All these improvements were welcomed as quite some time had passed that Viber was not updated, and many other applications were climbing the position to offer some of these ...
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