Analysis Of Advertisement

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Analysis of Advertisement

Analysis of Advertisement


Advertising may be considered a form of persuasive communication that promotes market goods and services. Advertising companies engage in informing, persuading, and prompting consumer awareness of the value propositions of particular products and services. Institutional advertising in any media demands payment—it is not personal, advertising's task is to identify the sponsoring company and/or the advertised product or services. Political advertising focuses on promoting a party or candidate with the aim of winning votes. Advertising can also be used for social purposes; for example, urging drivers to wear seat belts, promoting antismoking campaigns, and informing consumers about protecting the environment by specifying a green lifestyle (e.g. recycling, being aware of one's carbon footprint). In general, advertising creates as well as responds to new consumer trends, new media, and sub cultural contexts (Philip & Armstrong, 2010).

Thesis Statement:

Advertisements create a world of idealized images which deeply affect consumers purchase decision.

Body: Discussion and Analysis

There are various types of advertisements, which include:

Internet advertising;

Television advertising;

Print ads;

Radio advertising;

Billboard (advertising);

Transit advertising;

Mobile advertising;

Ambient advertising;

Outdoor Advertising, and


Advertising has gained increasing attention as a focus of third-person effect research. Early research revealed that a message in the form of an advertisement produced different third-person effect levels than a noncommercial message. It was suggested that individuals resist believing an advertisement would influence them because to do so would make them seem gullible, resulting in denial. A pro-social, noncommercial message, on the other hand (or so it has been reasoned), might not challenge a person's ego and therefore would create less of a barrier for the individual to admit being influenced. In cities, lavish displays in new department stores and their electrified store windows along with images in posters, billboards, and advertisements reproduced in newspapers and magazines encouraged especially the middle and lower classes to consume them. An example would be an advertisement featuring a spectacular car speeding along a winding road in a breathtaking landscape that fails to describe its social conditions, including resources and labor that produced and maintain the car, its driver, the scene, the advertisement, and the intended relationship of the advertisement to, and its effects on, its audience. Marx and his followers said ideology conditions us to perceive commodities as they relate to one another instead of the social conditions of their real-world makers and users.

For this study, the type of advertisement that is analyzed is the print advertisement. The term "print advertising" means advertising in the media. Indeed, the most common carriers of this type of advertising are the newspapers and magazines - the socio-political and glossy, mass and specialized. Their performance in the difficult task of promoting goods and services has long been proved beyond doubt. However, at least successfully running print ads, placed in the reference and information publications, promotional brochures and even books. These advertising platforms are often unfairly dismissed, giving preference to the traditional media. However, print ads began precisely with the book pages. In the Middle Ages, book printers were placed in the pages of books, announcements ...
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