Advertising In Media & Marketing

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Advertising in media and marketing

Executive Summary

Advertising is one of the most important weapons that the marketers use to communicate, persuade, and make the product of the company on the top of the consumers' mind. Advertising is one of the leading factors to grasp the larger share of the market. In this paper, we have examined advertising in media and marketing, the factors of effective advertisement, the detailed discussion about effective advertising, celebrity endorsement, and last but not the least, the concluding remarks. During the study, it emerged that advertising acts as an important tool for marketers to communicate and persuade the customers; however, if not used in an effective manner, it could lead to destruction for the company, in the form of product failure. Therefore, we recommend that marketers should use advertising by bearing in mind all the important factors of effective advertising as discussed in the paper. It also emerged during the study that celebrity endorsement is one of the most important persuading tools that the marketers use to attract and persuade the customers towards the brand. However, the negative popularity or downfall of the celebrity could also result in the downfall of the product is some of the cases. Therefore, we recommend that marketers should bear in mind that celebrity endorsement must be used in the careful manner for attracting and persuading the customers.

Advertising in Media & Marketing


Advertising in Media and Marketing

The importance of product and service quality has never been greater. A marketing priority of the 1980s, it became critical in the fiercely competitive global markets of the 1990s and will continue to be a competitive imperative in the 21st century. The belief that improving quality will lead to competitive advantage has served as a major impetus to the acceptance of quality as the new paradigm for organizational operations and strategy.

The use of print media in advertising is not a recent phenomenon. United States from the late nineteenth century had gradually invaded the print media advertising press (Chandy 2001, p. 399). Today's print media has become an integral part of marketing communication strategies. Companies in India, wishing to stand out from the competition and having a reasonable budget, often resort to using print media to advertise their products and services. Advertising campaigns with print media can grow the popularity of the brand, increase brand trust of potential customers.

While advertising as a means of dissemination can be traced back to ancient times, is now today when its height and importance become more important thanks to the media. Today we can see and hear advertisements everywhere, traveling by car you can see billboards and heard on the radio once publicity and advertising, reading newspaper or magazine advertisements we find while surfing the Internet banners, ads and we can even do virtual tours of hotels, factories, cities only in order to sell a product (Kelley 2004, p. 40).

Advertising the same way that the media have enormous influence on the man, and that often leaves manipulated ...
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