12 Step Approaches

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12 Step Approaches

12 Step Approaches


The 12 step approach is a health care practice which is commonly used for the treatment of aspects related to substance addiction or dysfunctional human behaviors. The approach initiated with the Alcoholics in the year 1930. This approach was introduced by the experts in order to get an appropriate solution for the people suffering with addiction. The 12 step approach is not limited to the alcohol addiction treatment, but is also an effective approach to deal with other dysfunctional behaviors. The 12 step approaches is a category of facilitation therapy which involves dynamic engagement strategy formed in order to increase the chance of a substance addict to get associated with the beneficial elements of life. The process of the 12 step approach is mainly based on 12 activities. The main belief of the strategy is that a person has the power to control him/herself from an addiction.

It is essential for a person to recognize the internal power, and examine the errors in reference to the experiences. This approach is highly supportive and is a great guide for the addicts to adopt a new life pattern, away from these substances. The approach purely helps to recover from such addictions. The goal of the 12 step approach is to accept the need for self-discipline and avoid from activities like alcohol, drugs, etc. The other goal of the approach is based on the willingness of a person to sustain after the effective treatments (Linehan et. al, 2002). The research conducted has proved the promising nature of the 12 step approach is an effective strategy to help the addicts. The paper is purely based on the 12 step approach and its contrast with the other therapeutic approaches. This includes both the similarities and differences among these approaches.

Similarities between 12 step approaches and other therapeutic approaches

There are numerous approaches which have been introduced for serving the substance addicts, but they vary as per the nature of the treatment. An aspect is that many of these therapeutic approaches have similarities among them. The 12 step approach and other therapeutic approaches have been an integral part of the treatment for drug abuse. These approaches are commonly utilized as there is a huge amount of patients who need such treatments. All these approaches are based on a specific goal and have successfully increased and contributed for the betterment of the substance addict treatment. A thing that is considered to be similar in these approaches is that these approaches present a complex view and assist in recovering from the hindrances. All these approaches are aimed to maintain the recovery processes of the substance addicts (Stahlbrandt, 2007).

The therapeutic approaches in comparison to the 12 step approach are similar as they focus on the challenging behaviors, judgments and thoughts by discovering their motivational factors. These approaches are based on a relational practice and possess functions dependent on the nature of the approach. The similarities are mainly in terms of the goals of these approaches, ...
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