Stepping To Successful Parenting

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Stepping to Successful Parenting


This paper will clearly point out the positive attributes of effective parents. It also points out certain skills that parents must have to effectively shape their children's behaviors. Effective parenting includes developing and clarifying clear expectations, staying calm in the midst of turmoil when your child gets upset, consistently follow through with positive and negative consequences, being a positive role model, role playing corrective behaviors and lastly, praising your child for his behavior. All these things are just beginning to be researched in depth, and this brief overview gives a sound basis for understanding the interesting relationship between parents and their children.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents3



Background of Study7

Purpose of Study7


Literature Review9

Developing and Clarifying Clear Communicative Expectations.9

Staying Calm in the Midst of Turmoil10

Consequences and Consistency11

Being the Role Model to Your Child12

Effective Praising13

The secrets of successful parenting15

Effective and Successful Parenting21

Parental Responsiveness22

Prevention of Problems22

Parental Monitoring23

Parental Mentoring23

Parental Modeling23

The Seven C's of Successful Parenting24

Different Parenting Styles26

What is the Prevalence of Different Parenting Styles?27

How Do People Develop a Parenting Style?28

Unconscious Approach to Parenting29

Semi-Conscious Approach to Parenting29

Conscious Approach to Parenting30

Most Common Approach to Parenting31

What's the Negative Side of Conflicting Parenting Styles for Children?31

Is There a Positive Side?33

What's the Most Contructive Way to Deal with Different Parenting Styles?35

#1  Review Your Parents' Parenting Styles35

#2  Define Values and Parenting Strategies36

#3  Identify Conflicts and Compromise37


Research Methodolgy38





Strategies Questionnaire44



Parenting strategies used during program delivery45

Parenting strategies used after completion of program47

Satisfaction ratings47

Qualitative findings48

Preliminary analyses49

Comparison of pre-DVD and post-DVD ratings49

Attribution and perceived control as predictors of ratings50

Predicting the number of strategies used and the number of strategies found helpful51


Conclusiona and Discussion53

Strategies used53




This study focuses on stepping to sucessful parenting and investigates period of correct parenting and sucessful parenting and steps and plans for sucessful parenting. In periods of correct parenting and sucessful parenting abilities, a dad or mother is more than just an individual who loves and cares for his or her young children for that notifies us not anything about the value of care. Under the customary delineation, a dad that easily proceeds to and from work each day and states he loves and cares for his young children, but does not anything additional to corroborate that love and care, specifies as a father.  From the correct parenting viewpoint, a more helpful delineation of a parent might be an mature individual who in distributing a heartfelt connection with a progeny, not only assists as a wholesome function form for the progeny, but presents the emotional security and guidance essential for that progeny to know-how all the usual childhood developmental phases that lead to adulthood. 

Hence, correct parenting needs the discovering of sucessful parenting skills.  Adult, as utilized here, entails the mother or dad is a mature and to blame individual, that is to say; they have effectively passed through the diverse childhood phases and accomplished mature adulthood, not only in the lawful sense, but, furthermore, in the sense of being adept to brain and bodily look after the child. By heartfelt connection is intended that ...
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