12 Angry Men

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12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men

Jury Member #3 Character played by Lee J. Cobb

Question A

The jury members are negotiating over the challenges and opportunities of a good leadership quality in a man. The jury deliberations take the play through a seismic shift and an astounding scenario about the leadership quality in an angry man. In this movie the jury focuses over the leadership characteristics that are being affected through effective communication. Many organizations usually use the ability of good leadership techniques in order to facilitate more and more problems and issues within the organization. Their main strategy was to show the leadership performance being showed in terms of an angry man who is opinionated and is very unyielding with his temper. The leadership quality is found in a person who may have all the qualities of a good manager and must know how to control his/her temper (Lee, J.T., 2009).

Question B

It can be a successful way of pointing over the certain jury members who are analyzing the study over the leadership styles of every type of person who has a negative attitude and makes decisions wisely. The juries are addressing a pedagogical device for defining the structure of a business leadership. The success being earned after the jurors suggestion of being guilty even after proofing all the clear evidence, creates a volcano in the persons attitude and wise decisions over it must be made from a jury member consisting of more than 5 to 10 members so that a proper consultancy can be provided. An unsuccessful attempt could have been made because the jury members consists of a garage owner, advertising executive, a paramedic, a sales man, an architect, a stockbroker, a bank clerk and a watch maker. With this jury it may conclude an unsuccessful result because every individual in the ...
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