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Does Religion Cause War?Thesis Statement “A state dedicates itself to the care of its best racial elements must someday become lord of the Earth.'” (Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler)Introduction Above mentioned, thesis statement depict how a state can become powerful and successful. Never think of those ideas that relate to religion based wars. Religion is something that bring people closer, instead of making them far away from each other. If we look at Hitler's era, it was full of fight and struggle that head towards some specific goals. His fight do not relates to religion; it links with race. Religion is the only available tool that administrate how to live, behave and face difficulties of the world. Religion is no doubt related to men's war; this is a debatable argument and relates with many concepts and theories. Whereas, if a person start to believe that he is just a creature sent by God, to live, earn and share happiness with people, he can live happily without facing any difficulties. This is something that relates with religion. Different people have different religions like; pantheism, those who believes in more than one God and monotheism, those who believes in one God. Apart from this, there is such kind of religion who believes in no God like Buddhism. Other than this, many other religions do vary, having a different set of norms and beliefs (Anthony, p372). Religion like Christianity focus on faith, whereas, other religions do not highlight it as a primary concern. This was one example that depict the differences between different religions. Religion is something that tells way of worship and living behaviours. It does not relate towards any kind of fight or problems. History reveals some instances where religion was the main cause of war. Stalinist slaughter and Russian revolution results due to religion. Along with this, many other examples are present that tells how war started and what was the main reason behind it (Anthony, p372). Thus, it is not wrong to say that all wars cause due to religion but, some do. If one wants to get rid of war, leaving religion is not the only possible way. In fact, getting closer with religion is the best solution that can solve all the issues and can make ones life successful and happier.In this paper, religion is defined in detail that to some extent do relate to war. Every war do not result from religion based issues. In religion, one can find best possible solutions and can lead a happy and contented life. Religion is something that illuminates light on the best path and tells how a person can lead a successful life free from difficulties and other life related issues. There are numerous past examples as mentioned earlier but, every example do not relates with religion issues. War is something that results due to numerous issue and lead towards harmful affects. One should always make this clear that war is an element that destroy ...
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