World War II Poster Propaganda

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World War II poster propaganda

World War II poster propaganda

Executive Summary

This paper will focus on the World War II poster propaganda Examining and exploring the poster in depth. The World War II poster depicting the propaganda became a major publicity material delivering much more than just the american supremacy that the United States of America will be the leader come what may and US authorities used it as a major tool for publicizing their efforts in the war. The effect of the publicirty propaganda poster was a sheer success for the American armed forces and helped them create their image. (Mason 1971)

World War II poster propaganda

The poster propaganda became popular for the propaganda it it attracted. The color scheme playing a major role in depicting the role of the victim and the enemy. The Japanese soldier has very dark skin whereas the American girl being threatened and possibly raped has fair skin. The dark versus light contrast always seems to symbolize the struggle between evil and good. The technique in which the creator of the poster uses in juxtaposing the dark skin of the Japanese soldier with the light skin of the American girl fully achieves his intended purpose. (Fucado 1984)

Further inspection reveals another dark versus light contrast. The Japanese soldier wears a black army issued hat while the American soldier on the lower right corner of the poster wears a white cap, subconsciously suggesting that the Japanese army is evil and that the American forces are good. The blood red color of the background, the bright red lips of the Japanese soldier, and the reddish hue on the American girl's cheeks all seem to allude to the sexuality of the poster. The use of the color red symbolizes blood, violence, and rape. Besides the red background and ...
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