World War II Propaganda Poster

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World War II Propaganda Poster

World War II Propaganda Poster


"Keep the horror from your home," the American poster produced during World War II, uses a variety of visual and textual elements to encourage Americans to Buy war bonds, exposing as the Japanese aggressors (Stanley 1983). Emphasis is on the Japanese in the poster (of a man whose facial features are exaggerated) to instill fear and loathing in the eyes of the viewer. In contrast, frightened and vulnerable expression of the American woman who is helpless at the mercy of the Japanese soldier, fuel hatred of the Japanese audiences. His message is palpable in the amount of a quick glance, but there is more evidence of hidden below the surface of the poster (George 1979).

Analysis of the propaganda poster

After examining and studying a poster in depth, it becomes apparent that the color scheme plays an important role in the appointment of the role of the victim and the enemy (Pennell 1918). The Japanese soldiers are very dark skin, while the American woman in jeopardy and may have raped a lighter complexion. Compared with light-dark contrast always seems to symbolize the struggle between good and evil. Technique, in which the author uses a poster against darker-skinned Japanese soldiers, the American light skin girl reaches the full extent of its intended purpose. Further inspection shows another dark light in comparison with contrast (George 1979). A Japanese soldier wears a black hat, army issued while an American soldier in the lower right corner of the poster is white hat, subconsciously saying that the Japanese army is evil and that the American forces well. The blood-red background color, bright red lips Japanese soldiers and a reddish tinge on the cheeks of American girls all seem to hint at sexuality poster. ...
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