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Works of Art

Works of Art


The Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the High Renaissance are only three ages individually but as a whole helped shape our modern philosophy and the ideas of art and influenced generations of artists including Leonardo Da Vinci, Giovanni Bellini and Giotto.

The late Gothic is the bridge between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The Crusades and trade that followed from them brought an influx of Byzantine art and artists to Western Europeans. This influence appears strongly in the sentiment of a large wooden crucifix and icons. Although still present in Byzantine style, were increasingly getting "Western" treatment. Through these connections many literary works of classical antiquity were brought to the West. The new era began in the 14th century, where lawyers and notaries imitated ancient Latin style and studied Roman archeology. (Janson, 2007)

The unification of the novel characteristic style in art in Europe also took place in the late fourteenth century. The new hegemony was the result of a heterogeneous exchange of different ideas in art and had lasted several decades. It is difficult to pinpoint the location and the time the style came into being. This style was named the International Gothic.

The most significant artists of the period are Cimabue and Giotto. Giotto was trained in the Byzantine tradition. Characterize the art of rediscovery of the third dimension, real and measurable space and the architectural vocabulary based on the study of classical structures.

Giotto has become the symbol of a profound renewal in the history of Western figurative arts, and the first radical renewal since ancient Greece."He turned the art of painting from Greek into Latin and brought in the modern era" - that is Cennino Cennini synthesis of fifty years after Giotto's death, underlining the revolutionary character of the painting of Giotto.Born in 1267, must have been active before the last decade of the thirteenth century.

If you look at the contents of your artistic revolution, we must agree that the first manifestations are present in the decoration of the Upper Basilica of Assisi. These frescoes reveal the mind and, in part, the hand of the genius who created the frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua.

It is very probable that Giotto in Assisi has worked nearly ten years before in Padua, that is, around 1290 or slightly later. (Oliver, 2007)

The concept of space made for the first time in Assisi was known to ...
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