Working Lives

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Working Lives

Working Lives

Working Lives Statistics


Employment evaluates the number of people who are employed and is distinctive from the number of employments as most of the people do more than a single job. The comparison in between the job and employment estimation is available. The rate of employment for those with the age of 16-64 years was 75%.

The estimation of people who were employed was 30 million. The estimation of people who were doing full-time job was 22 million including men and women. And the estimation of people who were doing part time job was 8 million including both men and women.

Employment by Birth Country and Nationality

ONS announces employment estimation of people by both birth country and nationality. The number of individuals in employment who are not born in UK is more as compared to those people who are not the nationals of UK. The people who are not born in UK include many nationals of UK. This estimation is related to the umber of individuals in employment despite the calculation the jobs. This statistics at times are wrongly interpreted because indicating the new jobs proportion that are acquired by the overseas migrants

The number of individuals in employment who were born in UK was 24 million. The number of individuals who were not born in UK was 5 million. The rate of employment for people who were born in UK and were in the age group of 16-64 years was 72%. The corresponding rate of employment for the people who were not born in UK was 68%. The number of nationals of UK in employment was 27 million. The number of nationals that were not born in UK was 3 %.


Unemployment estimates the number of people without any job who have been searching for work and available to do any work if they get hired. The rate of unemployment was 9 percent in the year 2011. The rates of unemployment are calculated by taking into consideration the global guidelines, because the percentage of the whole economically dynamic individuals in the relevant group of population.

The umbers of individuals who were unemployed in the year 2011 were 3 million. The number of men who were unemployed was 1.5 million in the year 2011. The number of women who were unemployed was 1.08 million in the year 2011.

Unemployment of Youth

The rate of unemployment for the individuals who were of the age of 16-24 years was 21.4% of the population that were economically dynamic in the year 2011. The number of unemployed individuals that were in the age group of 16-24 years was 991,000 in the year 2011. The number of unemployed individuals that were in the age group of 16-24 years increased and reached the figure of 205,000.

Supporting Working Lives of Youth The uneven effect of youth unemployment in UK is the reason that the Government recognized addressing the issues related to the unemployment of youth. We know this that those individuals who come from poor background are greater ...
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