Working In A Health Care System

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Working in a Health Care System

Working in a Health care System



Understanding the Concept Of Nursing and Caring

The words “Care” and “Nurse” appear very realistic and attractive to a person who wishes to seek help, attention and all support he can get. The sources of providing services for adult-care and nurture are very limited in today's world of turmoil. This can only be executed by a set of dedicated people like doctors, nurses and health care related teams. Care and nursing are somewhat believed to share same concept of adult care. Nursing an individual is caring for him too. So, these entities are convertible to each other.

Leininger's Theory of cultural care (1970's)

Madeleine states that “care is the essence of nursing and the central, dominant, and unifying focus of nursing” (Leininger 1991). The basic objective of nursing rests in the fact that it should be directed towards the betterment of the patient and all kind of energy utilization should be directed in unilateral form. The transcultural involvements must adhere to the implication of ethnicity, traditions and social diversity which forms the ground for this nursing theoretical statement (Ethics in Nursing, 2013).

Jean Watson's Theory of Human Care (1999)

According to human-care theory, the caring is a science that rules from a speck of art to entire universe of connections and unity both in the humanitarian and subjective forms. Caring scientific knowledge can be implemented in reflective and interpretative formats. The investigative research and study in regards to clinical and applied discipline predisposes itself in any manner of expression as in spiritual, aesthetic and kinetic metamorphosis. The evolutionary field of nursing exhibits the methodological principles of knowing, intuition, and application of morally justified conducts in more refined ways. Watson mostly focussed on humanistic caring behaviours subjected to families and groups. According to Watson caring may occur without cure but cure can not be achieved without care. Hence, nurse and patient contact is eminent in order to heal (Defining Nursing, 2013).

Question and Answer Session on “Concept of Caring and Nursing”

Interviewer: Tell me, what made you choose nursing as a profession to follow?

Me: Well, a very intuitive and frequent query. My mom is a nurse and seeing her since my childhood serving this holly profession enlightened an interest in me.

Interviewer: That's nice, so you would already know the tasks on hand, since your mother is a nurse too.

Me: Hmnn, yes I have some idea about the nature of the work nursing has.

Interviewer: Why have you applied for the course of Adult-Nursing Sciences?

Me: My mom is a nurse in hospital for elderly. She has always inspired me to face challenges of old-age disabilities and diseases.

Interviewer: That is a great way to put your ambitions forward. Now let us start talking about little things this field demands like the care and nurture for adult patients need and the morals of offering them care and support.

Me: Okay, I think that nursing is a pious profession and we serve ...
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