Nursing is a significant branch of healthcare system. The role and responsibilities of this branch extends beyond the scope of doctrines and principles of healthcare system. Nursing management is the most vitally integral part of healthcare systems. The procedures, policies and mission statements of an organization plays vital role in shaping the way nurses work in a healthcare organization. The document evaluates the role decentralized and centralized organizational structures in nursing care delivering system.
Organizational Philosophy, Mission Statements, Policies, and Procedures
The purpose of existence of every organization, including healthcare organization is signified by its mission statement. The vision statement of an organization illustrates its desired future. The vision statement together with the mission statement forms the bases of definition of the philosophy, beliefs and values of the particular organization. The philosophy then gives birth to the goals of an organization and further defines the departmental objectives and strategies. The framework of strategies plays an important role in defining the setting up the organization's structure and in guiding and planning the work strategies of an organization.
In healthcare organization the nursing care delivery system is based on the strategies to promote people centered healthcare facilities. Each healthcare organization has its own nursing care delivery model with particular characteristics depending on the policies procedures and of course mission of each organization.
Nursing Care delivery Model
Nursing care delivery model refers to the framework of procedures used to provide maximum level care to the patients (Swansburg, 2002). The fact that nursing care requires great investments by government leads organization to evaluate their procedural frameworks that can be cost effective and people centered at the same time, providing quality care to patients. These methods largely and heavily depend upon the goals and mission of organization.
Every nursing care delivery frameworks has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the community being served, extent of the business revenues or investments and the size of organization. It is the chief responsibility of Nursing managers to evaluate the aims, budget, population of staff, and unit missions of organization before selecting and drafting the framework of care delivery system.
Evaluation of Different Organizational Structures
There are different frameworks in different an organization that depends upon the population of staff members and the cost that each framework incurs. The 8 to 12 hours total patient care means that an individual will receive consistent care from a particular nurse. This forms mutual bond of understanding, empathy and trust between the nurse and the patient as they eventually put their efforts towards a achieving a particular goal. The minute changes in the status of patient healthcare will be reported and communicated by the nurse to higher management. Even though this the most patient centered and quality effective form of the framework of nursing care delivery , the method is not very cost effective and proves to be very expensive if there are large number of patients .
Then comes the functional nursing model of care delivery that is cost ...