Work Plan

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Work Plan

Work Plan


Domestic Violence refers to abusive or potentially abusive behaviors that occur within a domestic setting. It includes abuse on various levels such as physical, economic, sexual, psychological, intimidating, deprivation, social isolation, etc. It might exist in any form of domestic setting in which two people are in a relationship, whether it is cohabitation, gay couples, bisexuals, transgender, or regular married spouse(s). It may also extend on to include other family members such as children. According to statistics, majority of such assaults are initiated by the male gender against the female one. The state takes certain steps for the prevention of domestic violence, and therefore, domestic abuse in any form has been regarded as a legal violation of basic human rights of safety and security and is to be reprimanded accordingly.

This assignment aims to deliver a work plan submitted by the Chief of Police Inspector who is supervising the Domestic Violence department. It highlights 7 goals, each of which are further divided into various objectives in alignment with specifications, measurability, achievability, realistic standards, and defined time scales. The ultimate aim is to reduce the number of reported and occurring cases of domestic abuse each year.


Work with other agencies on Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Protocols

Protocols of preventing domestic violence significantly differ from those made to avoid child abuse. Domestic violence generally includes two people in an abusive relationship, whereas child abuse refers to maltreatment of a child by one or both parents. The purpose of these protocols is to avoid such deviations from occurring.

The Domestic Violence department seeks to guide sworn police officers regarding their duties of responding to such violent incidents, and also aims to notify them regarding what is required of them under the Domestic Violence Act (Davidson, 1995). It aims to adapt to the law enforcement protocol pertaining to domestic violence. The first goal of the department is to collaborate with the various other agencies working in alignment with Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Protocols. The following objectives have been defined in order to lead to the achievement of this goal:

By 2015, the Domestic Violence department will have collaborated with 50% of the national governmental agencies working to protect women and children.

By 2017, the department will have assessed the abused, threatened and vulnerable victims within the state.

By 2020, the department will have ensured that child abuse and domestic violence protocols are being followed strictly within the state, by all the collaborated agencies.

Engage with Social Development to make greater use of vulnerable victims' interview suite

Vulnerable victim is any person who has fallen prey to an act that can be convicted under legal jurisdiction or anyone who is likely to become a victim due to age, gender, or ease of access (US Legal, 2013). Social development has a host of benefits, which is why this goal has been selected. Socialization processes are likely to prove supportive to the department of domestic violence in its efforts to curb the very roots of child abuse and domestic ...
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