Work Place Violence

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Work Place Violence

Violence in the Work Place

[Name of the Author]

Violence in the Work Place


Establishing and maintaining a healthy, safe and secure environment for the employees is one of the most important responsibilities that the managements have towards them. It is important to note that the employees and workers within an Organization are not just vulnerable to unsafe working structure or environments. In fact, it is the presence, intentions and anger of the employers and the fellow employees that challenges their security at the workplace. In more specific words, the term or the phenomenon is known as Work Place Violence and can be defined as violence, typically observed as a threat or a physical abuse, which creates a risk towards the safety and health of the employees. It is interesting to note that many people limit workplace violence to just the physical abuse that an individual cause others. However, it must be noted that a threatening behavior, intimidation or harassment are also counted as strong elements of workplace violence. Over the years, a number of reasons that have the ability to cause workplace violence have been observed. Moreover, several ways have been recommended by several researches of how workplace violence can be reduced thereby analyzing the employee behavior closely within the workplace and adapting the necessary methods accordingly. Nevertheless, the purpose of this research is to explore and discuss some of the possible reasons that may cause violence or aggression in the workplace with the help of primary and secondary data sources. The paper will also discusses and utilize the data obtained from the direct interaction of employees where this data will be used to offer some solutions to control the prevalence of the problem.

Aims and Objectives

Discuss and explore workplace violence in a broader perspectives

Analyzing how the problem can affect the employees

Analyze possible reasons behind the aggression and workplace

Suggest and evaluate the possible solution to control the issue

Theory Testing

The phenomenon or the concept of workplace violation can be defined explained and explored thereby using some very important and interesting theories and perspectives. The Attribution Theory can be helpful. Proposed by Weiner in the year 1985, the theory suggests that the causal ascriptions play an important part in determining the emotional responses of individual to different specific situations and scenarios (Waters at al, 2005, 308). According to Weiner, the three common dimensions shared by the causes include controllability, stability and locus. Together, these dimensions have a strong influence on a variety of emotions that includes shame, pride, pity, hopelessness, guilt, gratitude and anger.

Since the paper is discussing workplace violence, hence only negative emotions will be discussed here that includes anger, hopelessness, pity and so forth. This theory further suggests that these particular emotions can be ascribed to any situation that may lead an individual towards aggression and frustration t to the point that the employee is a danger to himself and other around him.

Social Learning theory presented by Bandura in the year 1983 regards aggression ...
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