Work Life Balance For Women

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Work Life Balance for Women



Problems in Work Life Balance4

Demographic Variables and Work Life Balance4

Achieving the Balanced Life6

Self Efficacy6

Emotional Intelligence7

Employer Efforts7




Work-life balance describes the practices at work place that create an equilibrium in demands of employees to maintain a healthy family life and work activities. The demands and pressure is a greater challenge for female workforce to balance work life activities. The conflicts in such situation also has significant impact in career advancements of women. Organisations also play their part by creating a healthy work place culture that reflects cornerns for needs of employees during work and after work. Organisations should periodically review their contemprorary work processes and practices. They should determine the inefficiencies and reasons of stress that negatively effect motivation and commitment of female employees. This research study aims to undertake the factors that can affect the career women work-life balance. Work Life Balance for Women


Work Life balance is a term that suggests the individuals how much control they have on the situations like when to work and how to work. It describes those practices that an individual aims to achieve equilibrium between family demands and work life (Robbins, 2005). Work life balance can also be termed as an achievement of fulfilled life from paid work in benefiting society, business and own' interests. The term has emerged due to rise of conflicts in an individual's life (Thriveni & Rama, 2012). In this assignment, different aspects of work life balance from a female's perspective are studied.

The changing environment and demands of the workplace have led to many issues of work life balance in an individual's life. The role of women at work has enhanced. They are cooperating with men in every field irrespective of type of work (Jyothi & Jyothi, 2012). A report in 2008 presented the statistics of the female workforce in USA. 121 million women aged 16 or above are employed in the country. Among these 59% is labor workforce. The labor workforce of USA comprises of 46% females in which 75% are full time workers and remaining 25% work on a part time basis. Among female workforce, largest portion is working in management and professional areas. On a global level, the number of women senior managers in large corporations is low. In March 2009, fortune 500 published a report on women CEOs. 15 women CEOs are mentioned in the list. This low number of female professionals at a higher level shows that much progress is to be made worldwide in promoting women career (Hewleu & Luce, 2005).

According to Freedman and Greenhaus, number of women has increased considerably, but the issues and challenges have also increased. Women face many problems in fulfilling job requirements due to different reasons. These issues are emotional as well as physical. Women are still considered as the primary responsible of home and family despite the fact that they are now working as much as men. In many conservative cultures, work is considered as secondary options to ...
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