Work Environment

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Work Environment


In this paper, we will discuss about Work Environment on the basis of an article, which discusses the importance of a healthy work environment. It points out that a healthy work environment could increase the quality of work and enhance the motivation of employees. The author discusses that if the management improves the working environment, how can it positively affect the performance of the company.

Work Environment


The working environment influences both the quantity and quality of work a person can make in your workplace, hence the importance that should be given to improve and make the work environment in a comfortable and enjoyable. In this paper, we take the article of Gregory P. Smith as a reference for studying the importance of good workplace environment.

Traditionally the work environment is conceived as a place where the only requirement that was required was to enable the performance of the role of the worker who worked there. Leaving aside issues such as cleanliness, safety, comfort, noise etc. But today many companies have turned their work environments a convivial place with all the amenities you have anyone in your home by changing the traditional pattern of work.Companies like Google believe that work should not be an obligation for the money but a nice place where people feel comfortable, definitely noticeable results in productivity, company loyalty, motivation and mood.


Sometimes we have to go to work with the bad atmosphere there, we take away the desire of all. That if there is envy, evil eyes, impediments that make you your own colleagues, because now we have to try this and see how sometimes a small thing that could afford at a time, get to take such dimensions that it is impossible to stop it (Weisman, and Nathanson, 1985).

Climate is defined as working for the environment both physical and human, where it develops different tasks requiring a job. As we see in this definition, it is as important as the relationship with other partners such as the environment where work is performed.

This is a very important issue and is included in the satisfaction of workers and is only seen that the greater delight to have higher productivity. The question who controls the work environment?, So that there is a good working environment, or the opposite, top management is the one who takes these decisions and shape the work environment. They shape the culture and vision of the organization that overall affects the environment of the organization.

There are a number of points necessary for the working environment is positive, if any of these points wobbles, things start getting not very good.

• Each person in the organization should have individual autonomy in the sense of to make their own decisions , finally, to be his "own boss". Autonomy that makes them feel capable and responsible enough to do their jobs.

• The above should be properly informed of how they want the job done and the goals employees have to ...
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