Work Based Learning

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Work Based Learning at (WBL) a Solicitor Chamber

Work Based Learning at (WBL) a Solicitor Chamber


The purpose of writing this paper is to give the readers evidence regarding the work based learning. In this essay two of the United Kingdom's law policies that is the mediation and the early bail out policy. Similarly, these policies are critically discussed, with their pros and cons including how it affects our society; the societies view towards this policy will also be obtained by questionnaire method. Research, alternative policy and recommendations of how to make it a workable or suitable policy will be given.

The firm where I do my (WBL) is not a big one in size but absolutely a busy firm because of their speciality and location. It is a solicitors chambers and a section of the criminal justice system which plays a significant role in letting their clients or even the public to know their legal positions with regards to their particular problems or offence, they go as far as determining what option you might have and if they are several, they will be able to tell you the effects of choosing a specific option over another and the implications of each option.

The firm is located in new cross area, South East of London, they specialise in immigration matters and family law. The work under the umbrella of a bigger body called the association for solicitors in England and Wales which was formed in 1994 as a result of the grant of right of audience in the higher court to solicitors. Most of the aims being to maintain the highest ethical and professional standard of higher court advocates, promoting the interest of those who practice or seek to practice as solicitors or higher court advocates. Maintaining professional contacts with the judiciary, the law society ant the Bar. Promoting educational and training of solicitor higher court advocate. Providing opportunities for members to meet and to exchange views and ideas. Having highlighted their aims, they also do things like mediation as a dispute resolution option.



Mediation can be broadly defined in a number of ways:

Mediation is a method of conflict management in which conflicting parties gather to seek solutions to their problems, accompanied by a mediator who facilitates discussion and the flow of information, aiding in the processes of reaching agreement. Informal process […] mediation follows no set process or structure. Furthermore, mediation is essentially non-coercive in nature, voluntary in structure and performance and ad hoc in orientation (Bercovitch, 2007, p. 290).

Mediation has been supported by policy-makers and the judiciary for some time, for example, Woolf (1996) and Jackson (2010, pp. 139-41). Case law too has followed the Woolf “line”. Dunnett v. Railtrack PLC and Hurst v. Leeming were both highly influential. In Halsey v. Milton Keynes HNS Trust Limited the subjects of mediation and the role of the courts were considered by the court of appeal. Dyson LJ at paragraph 11 stated:

All members of the legal profession who conduct litigation should now routinely consider with their clients whether the disputes are suitable for alternative dispute ...
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