Learner's mistake (include enough of the sentence to ensure the context is clear)
Name of correct part of speech
Possible reason for mistake
Specific language area to focus on next (i.e. next learning step)
1. Every year
every year
Ignorance/ Habit
2. much alcohols
much alcohol
Number Agreement
Lack of Singular/Plural Knowledge
Teaching Singular/Plural concept
3. a bad grades
a bad grades
Number Agreement
Lack of Singular/Plural Knowledge
Teaching Singular/Plural concept
4. govermnent
increasing vocabulary knowledge
Part 2
How to help the learner in 03 problem areas
1. Capitalization
Some words are forever capitalized. Other words are capitalised when they are an element of a name, a label, or an area. A small word such as "the" is capitalised simply at what time when the word formally begins a name or starts a sentence.
Teaching capitalization is the most import part of any English language program. English language learners know fewer English words than their native speaking peers, and they also possess fewer meanings for these words. Ironically, when reading, English language learners rely more on their capitalization knowledge than do native speakers of English. Intensive instruction in capitalization can make a difference. After two years of systematic instruction, English language learners closed the gap in capitalization and comprehension that existed between their performance and that of native speakers by about 50 percent. Taking part in a similar program that lasted for four years, language minority elementary school students in Holland made gains of one or two years beyond that made by a control group.
To promote thorough understanding, provide translations of new vocabulary words. If you are unable to translate the words, enlist the services of a bilingual student, a parent, or a bilingual teacher. You might post key vocabulary words in both languages in a prominent spot. Capitalization knowledge develops rapidly from preschool years through adulthood. It is estimated that students expand their vocabulary at the rate of 2,700 to 3,000 words per year. This rapid growth is driven by their psychological curiosity and typical maturation and is fueled by the social use of language with peers and adults. Students integrate new word knowledge into their working vocabulary by “trying on” and exploring different words and by using these words with peers and adults at home and school.
2. Number Agreement
A noun and the words that adjust that noun have to agree in number. A number of nouns can be employed in either a plural or a singular logic. In these situations, we must think how we are employing the marked noun before deciding a modifier.
Instead of: They do not have many time left in his agenda.
Consider: They do not have many times left in his agenda.
Or consider: They do not have much time left in his agenda.
Another example:
Instead of: Have you heard of these innovation?
Consider: Have you heard of this innovation?
Or consider: Have you heard of these innovations?
Number Agreement teaching development represents two related but somewhat different cognitive tasks: establishing associations and developing conceptual knowledge. To learn associations between a known concept and a new label for ...