Work Based Assignment

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Work Based Assignment

Work Based Assignment

The Problem

The problem I am facing is the lack of discipline in member of the team. We get peak periods of time when we get high absence in members of staff. This times when we are short of staff can contribute to feel stressed. We also had one member of our team who left because she felt under excessive amount of pressure. We can't afford loosing experienced members of team in our organization; it can be hard to find suitable workers and normally takes three months to train them. Workplace stress affects the performance of the team, concentration and learning. We are loosing sales and profits in our store.

Analysis of the Problem

Work now more than ever consumes large portions of people's lives. The importance of work in people's lives, alongside the demands on one's time and energy, can be a tremendous source of stress. Increases in work stress may result from people having longer work hours, threats of job loss due to organization downsizing, or a host of other factors, such as the day-to-day strains in the work environment. Aspects of one's personal life can make dealing with stress at work even more difficult. Although many sources of stress are apparent in everyday life, most people would probably report at least some level of stress at work. In some cases, work stress can be the number one source of stress in people's lives. Work stress can result from a lack of control over work, which can leave a person feeling undervalued and underappreciated, or it can be due to particular issues in the workplace environment, such as shift work, long work hours, time pressures, noise, surveillance and monitoring, and working with hazardous products. Interpersonal conflicts with coworkers and supervisors can also contribute to increases ...
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