This study investigated the knowledge and practice of the professionals involved in the health of the woman on the concept of "reproductive rights" focusing on Family Planning. According to Bringle (2010), found in the literature several concepts about women's health. There are narrower conceptions, which only address aspects of the biology and anatomy of the female body and others who interact with wider dimensions of human rights and issues related to citizenship. In the narrower conceptions, the female body is seen only in their reproductive function and motherhood becomes his main attribute. Women's health is limited to maternal health or absence of disease associated with the process of biological reproduction.
The right to health a basic human right
The above explained conceptions identified by Bringle (20101), excluded sexual rights and gender issues. In order to break this logic, this paper proposes to work with the concept of "Reproductive Rights" focused on Family Planning and completeness in health. This model pre-determined forms of knowledge and action, including in health, evidencing its patriarchal character. These historical social determinants have been reflected over time. According to US doctors (2001), the medical action on issues related to women's health: the exaltation of motherhood from the dominant discourse of the nineteenth century has brought in its wake not the protection of woman of the vulnerabilities that are exposed in the maintenance of the species, but the perpetuation of power relations between the sexes (Kluchin, 2009).
Women rights and sexual health
The history of the feminist movement is deeply linked to the debate on population control and family planning. Bringing the political issues related to women's health, reaffirming the right of option on reproductive and sexual life as central values ??of female citizenship and claiming a state's attitude consistent with these principles, feminists criticized trends in pro-or anti-birth sidewalks religious precepts, economic or geopolitical or demographic targets (Pillai & Wang, 1999). In 1980, in the abortion debate, sponsored by the Association of Physicians of New York, Clarke went public opinion of the feminist movement on the basis of family planning that should be observed when implementing the program in the country, among which we highlight:
Respect for the right of women to decide her motherhood;
Living conditions and adequate working during pregnancy;
Decent living conditions for every woman to have and raise children that want;
Decriminalization of abortion and performing the same service network across public health and welfare systems;
Active program and continued research on contraceptives;
repudiation of forced sterilization or induced;
End of maternity "embarrassed," a source of oppression and reproduction model domesticity of women;
Stimulus programs maternity shared, and
Program information and contraceptive supplies by state for the population (Lima, 1982).
From the 80s, reproductive rights had some key moments as i.e. in Amsterdam (1984), the "Court Meeting on Reproductive Rights," contraception for purposes control was questioned. The United Nations Conference on the Decade of Women in Nairobi (1985), said the promotion of reproductive rights, "as a ...