With respect to biological, psychological, sociological, and legal aspects all that can result is a list of opinions expressed from various perspectives about closely related subjects. The case that I would be analyzing is an abortion case that involves the above mentioned key elements namely biological, psychological and sociological aspects. The historic case of Roe v. Wade (January 1973) sets the principle that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without restriction, and with restrictions in later months, based on the right to privacy. Roe who was a single pregnant woman (Roe vs. Wade 1973) filed a case challenging the constitutionality of the Texas criminal abortion laws, which ban procuring or attempting an abortion (Roe vs. Wade 1973) except on medical advice for the purpose of saving the mother's life. A licensed physician (Roe vs. Wade 1973) Hallford, who was dealing with two state abortion prosecutions (Roe vs. Wade 1973)pending in opposition to him, was permitted to intercede. (Charles 2002)
A childless married couple (the Does), when the wife not being pregnant, (Roe vs. Wade 1973) separately attacked the laws, basing alleged injury on the future possibilities of contraceptive stoppage pregnancy, undecided for parenthood, and impairment of the wife's health. A three-judge District Court (Roe vs. Wade 1973) which consolidated the proceedings held that Roe and Hallford, (Roe vs. Wade 1973) and members of their classes, had standing to sue and presented justifiable controversies. After a period of three decades, we are reminded that this decision not only protects women's health and reproductive freedom, but stands for a broader principle that government should not intrude in peoples' private family matters. Roe vs. Wade highlights all aspects of the American society especially sexual freedom and supports the idea ...