Windshield Survey

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Windshield Survey

Windshield Survey


There are a number of ways to gather information and data to analyze something. This data collection can be in the form of surveys, interviews, questionnaires or just observation. Windshield survey is also a type of survey in which an individual gathers information regarding a specific community by travelling through it. It is a type of observational evaluation that satisfies the objective of understanding and revealing certain things of the community.

This paper is also focused on uncovering health problems of the community and identifying the parts of the problem that relate to the community. For this purpose, windshield surveys will be used to identify the problems its components that relate to the community as a whole.

The community that I have chosen for this paper is Allapatta which is a district in Miami, Florida. In 1947, black families are forced to evict the area so that space would be available for parks, schools and homes of white families. Currently, the area is again predominantly held by the black families ( The map of Allapatta has been provided in the appendix section.

History of Allapatta Miami, Florida

The name Allapatta was derived from a word in Seminole Indian language that meant alligator. From the early 20th century till the late 1950s, Allapatta was predominantly occupied by white families. But in 1950s and 1960s there was a large amount of displacement among the black people because of the construction of North-South Expressway. This led to the shifting of white people towards the suburban side of Miami. In 1959 Cuban Revolution, a large influx of Cuban families came in neighborhoods Miami such as Allapatta. In 1980s, the refugee crisis in Haitians, Hondurans and Dominicans also brought in a large influx of people. At this point, Allapatta is providing residence to people from Latin America to Caribbean (


Demographical Data of Allapatta

The population density of Allapatta is 9413 people per square mile and the population of Miami has increased by 10.2% from 2000 to 2012.The male to female ratio in Allapatta is 1.2 : 1. From among the entire population of Allapatta, 47 percent people are married. The people who speak English language consist of 22 percent of the entire population whereas 72% of its population speaks Spanish (

When the population is broken down by race, it can be seen that almost 56% of Allapatta's population is Caucasian and the other majority group of people are the African Americans which covers almost 25 percent of the entire population of Allapatta. The average household income distribution in Allapatta is $23,991 which is 20.87% lower than Miami.

The main source of income for 65 percent population of Allapatta is salary and daily wages. The other major source of income for the residents of Allapatta is the social sector which employs about 25% of the population. Almost sixty percent of the population has obtained education less than high school. About 18 percent of the entire population has received education that is either high school or equivalent to high ...
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