Wild Life Protection

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Wild Life Protection


Wild Life has to face severe problems when it comes to crossing roads or going through any hurdle. They often lose their lives in this act. Lack of proper attention in this regard from regulatory bodies creates severe issues for these animals. However, certain laws have been developed by the state to protect these animals from facing such issues. In this paper, we will analyze these acts and will discuss the importance of its implementation.


Judicial Review

Judicial review of legislation could rightly be described as a part of the modern constitutional democracy. Two questions arise here, first question concerns whether judicial review is justified. If it is clear that judicial review is justified, the question arises as to the form thereof. Research in this field suffers from the fact that these two related questions are often separately asked and are not to be treated at the same time. Comparative law is the preferred method for in Uk. In this context, judicial review of legislation in the United Kingdom, Netherlands and South Africa could be compared, because these systems present a wide spectrum.

On one side of this spectrum is parliamentary sovereignty. Among all other systems, United Kingdom prefers the system least. In this country, the court must follow laws in the formal sense and test their compatibility with the Human Rights Act of 1998.

When it comes to the conformity of legislation with higher law, parliamentary Democracy is no longer convincing. The main reason is that the modern state and its society is in complex situation, where it is difficult to maintain the quality of legislation. The importance of the Parliamentary democracy is not denied, but it is stressed that the importance of the role of judiciary in reviewing legislation is very important.

It is important to note that United Kingdom takes care of not only Human rights, but it is also concerned with the rights of Animal. It pays strong attention to the animal rights to protect them from injury and accidents. In this paper, we will discuss how these rights protect frog from injuries, when they cross roads.

Animal Right Act The modern animal rights movement seeks a "deconstruction" of the human/ animal dualism, transforming society to a non speciesist worldview that conceives of other animals as inherently valuable beings with interests that deserve respect, just as humans claim to respect each other as subjects, not objects. While animal rights incorporate concerns about animal welfare based on sentience, there are important differences in how the two viewpoints view humans in relation to other animals. Animal rights can be defined as a "deontological" ethic that grants nonhuman animals the right to privacy and freedom from human intrusion, seeking an end to the domestication, enslavement, exploitation, and property status of nonhuman animals (Phillips, et.al, 2010, pp. 91-95)

Animal welfare can be defined as a mainstream Western philosophy that regulates animal exploitation to reduce the suffering of nonhuman animals under human control Francione (1996) states that ...
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