What Is Love?

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What is Love?


Love is a spontaneous emotional movement to be one that gives people the satisfaction which is important for anyone. This impassioned appeal may apply to a person, object or even an idea. Parents can love their child intensely, place, or demonstrations of courage that provides a special satisfaction to them. One can even feel love when there is still the hope of a satisfaction, a potential for happiness. Love is not an emotion in itself; it is a complex emotional experience that includes many emotions. This is perhaps the most complex of all the emotional experiences. There are often, for example, the joy, the attraction or desire, affection, esteem, attachment, etc. The experience of love also includes many cases of anger or resentment and a sense of vulnerability. What remains constant however, in the different experiences of love, its well-being or happiness gives people the beloved matter. Specifically, people consider "good for us" beings and realities that are worthy of the love. This is because they perceive them, more or less explicitly, as capable of meeting the needs. It states they already meet or are carrying a promise of satisfaction which remains subjectively a source of happiness.

Main Body

The strong and deep love is, in turn, prints esteem for many people. They have an effect on the elevation for several people. These are the people who inspire other people and further exploit the resources, which they exceed them. Sometimes people confuse love with imagination in a real love. The subjective experiences of teenage love with the popular singer looks like the love by the emotions are part and their intensity, but it lacks one essential ingredient: the actual contact with the beloved. The satisfaction experienced is caused by only fantasies. As simulation to explore the experience of love is an extremely useful and a vigorous taming of emotional intensity, romantic love is another experience to be distinguished from true love. In this form of relationship, the main thing is the pleasure of being loved and not love for each other. Most of the people revel in their love for several people and benefits it gives them as marks of attention, strong reactions to their presence, feeling of being desired, etc. This is the effect of the person's gaze on himself which that satisfies several people. That man or woman is the object, the admiring gaze of the other which is ...
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