Analysis of two Metaphors: “Falling in Love” and “Falling out of Love”
Thesis Statement
Metaphors have more meaning behind what's said.
Falling in love refers to the process, in which an individual moves from the neutrality towards a person to start loving him. Love is regarded as a feeling, in which an individual start liking everything what his/er lovers wants and would make him/er ready every time whenever his/er lover ask for anything. Although falling in love and love represents two individual feelings. A first step towards love or a flash of emotions can be falling in love.
Falling in love is a strong natural affection to the person of the opposite sex mostly. Such feeling can grow stronger if the feeling of love is mutual and can grow into love. When falling in love an individual can experiences different physiological changes, like rise in temperatures, knees becoming weaker, sweating etc. People consider themselves helpless against falling in love.
It's completely irrational: when one fall in love, s/he cannot control his/er emotions as s/he feels that emotions or moves are incontrollable when you fall in love. Nature reveals all of her power on us. In most of the cases people quit to thinking sensibly, as mostly if one would knew that no good is expected from such relationships but still they want to embrace such relationships. (Lakkoff and Johnson, pp. 14-66)
Critically arguing, falling in love is actually call for the sex, but people choose their ideal person most commonly heard dream boy/girl. Though people actually don't know their expectations of the person they desire for but they eventually choose only the girl/guy which they deemed, comply their demands. People usually fall in love with the physical appearance of the person, the way s/he thinks or talks or walk.